
Viewing 291 - 300 of 333 results

IARTS Textiles of India Grant

2024-2025 IARTS TEXTILES OF INDIA GRANT RECIPIENT Connecting Kantha with Colcha: Textile Histories and the Making of Early Modern Bengal We are pleased to announce the recipient of the 2024-2025 IARTS Textiles of India grant is  Pika Ghosh, a US-based scholar of the material culture of Eastern

Welcome to 4 Billion Years of Wonder

Welcome to ROM Membership, your all-access, VIP pass! This page outlines the many benefits of Membership, from sneak previews of upcoming exhibitions to Member-exclusive discounts on popular programs.  Member Events Enjoy special screenings, dynamic panel discussions, conversations with ROM

Guild of Immortals

  Exclusively for Young ROM Members   Become A Member Welcome Seeker! The Guild of Immortals welcomes young ROM Members into its ranks. If you are curious about the world, join us as we explore the Museum from top to bottom in search of answers.   When you register, you will receive a handbook

Member Tickets

Member Exhibition Ticket Allotment ROM Members receive unlimited free admission to ticketed special exhibitions all year long. Members are not required to reserve special exhibition tickets. However, if you wish to reserve tickets, please feel free to do so. Reserve Member Tickets Friday Night Live

Digital Membership Cards

Digital membership cards are a convenient and environmentally friendly alternative to plastic cards. Digital membership cards provide quick links to the Member login—where you can register for events—the ROM website, contact information, and Museum hours. Plus, you never have to worry about

Le meilleur de Yorkville

Hébergement, boutiques, restaurants et découverte! Pourquoi Yorkville? Galeries d’art d’envergure internationale, petits cafés et boutiques font la renommée de Yorkville, un village emblématique situé au cœur de Toronto. Yorkville c’est aussi le quartier du ROM, un des grands musées

Soyez des nôtres

Devenez Membre Votre musée, le ROM. En savoir plus ►--> Devenez bénévole Des activités amusantes pour toute la famille Service des bénévoles ► Faites du bénévolat ►--> Billets pour les Membres Toute une gamme d’emplois et de carrières Offres d'emploi ►-->

ROM Leadership

ROM Trustees Royal Ontario Museum is an agency of the Government of Ontario. The Board of Trustees is the governing authority for the Museum, responsible for its policies, its operational continuity and the collections and other assets which the Museum holds in trust for the people of Ontario. The

La direction du Musée royal de l'Ontario

Administrateurs et administratrices du ROM Le Musée royal de l’Ontario est un organisme du gouvernement de l’Ontario. Il est géré par le Conseil d’administration, qui assure la viabilité de l’institution et veille aux politiques, aux collections et autres biens que le Musée détient en

Third Tuesday Nights Free

ROM's much-loved Third Tuesday Nights Free is back! Here's what you need to know: The Museum will be free—for everyone—on the third Tuesday Night (4:30 PM - 8:30 PM) of each month. Includes access to most galleries* and live performances from community partners   Earth: An