
Viewing 461 - 470 of 1360 results

Kissing the Cod!

Kissing the Cod!

By Jacqueline Waters Environmental Visual Communication graduate (2013), For the Centre of Discovery in Biodiversity, Royal Ontario Museum Well it’s official we’ve been screeched in and the team and I are all now honorary Newfoundlanders. Despite having to kiss the cod, being welcomed in the

The Museum Makers Mural!

    Hi, we are the Museum Makers from Session 1 of Summer Club 2013!  We made this extraordinary mural for the Royal Ontario Museum.   We chose specific drawings to represent different galleries in the museum. For example, we chose different plants and animals to represent the Schad Gallery of

Summerasaurus Part III: The Jacketing Process

Mark Farmer recently returned from an expedition to the badlands of southern Alberta with Dr. David Evans, Associate Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the ROM, in search of dinosaurs. Join us over the course of the next month as Mark and Dr. Evans put up their notes from the field, detailing

Tattoos: Exploring Tattoo Culture Around the World

Tattoos: Exploring Tattoo Culture Around the World

Guest blog by Sascha Priewe, Managing Director- Culture Centres (Ancient Cultures, World Art & Culture, Textiles & Fashions) One in five Canadians has at least one tattoo, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who sports a Haida symbol on his left shoulder. Tattoos have moved into the

The LMS Lab

The LMS Lab

Guest blog by Kristen Choffe, DNA Lab Technician​ From discovering new species to preserving endangered ones, the ROM’s LMS uses genetic sequencing to study specimens. What is it? The LMS, or Laboratory of Molecular Systematics, is a multi-user lab used mainly by the Department of

Fear for Adults and Fascination for Kids: Spiders and Friends Day at The Hospital for Sick Children

Written by Mark Bernards, Environmental Visual Communications student   We all know someone who is terrified of spiders. Maybe it’s a friend, or a family member, or maybe it’s you! But I’m sure we can all think of someone we know who panics at the first sign of anything crawling across the

The ROM Marks World Autism Awareness Day

April 2, 2013 is an historic day for the Canadian Autism community: for the first time, Canada is officially marking World Autism Awareness Day. Essential to reducing stigma, raising awareness and improving support structures, World Autism Awareness Day also serves as a message to individuals and

#EmptyROM 3- Hungry in the Hammer

#EmptyROM 3- Hungry in the Hammer

Leslie is a BIG fan of the museum and is always tweeting away when she visits so it was nice to meet her in real life last week at our 3rd #EmptyROM tour.  Here are some of her wonderful photos! For more of Leslie's photos visit her blog here. You can also follow here on Twitter! Stay tuned

Partners Enable Children to Visit the ROM

Partners Enable Children to Visit the ROM

Established in 2006, the School Visits Bursary Program has enabled more than 137,225 students and educators to visit the Museum. This unique experience puts learning into the child’s hands, inviting them to handle real objects and artifacts, and to engage with passionate experts.  

Weapon Wednesday: the "djanbīyya" dagger

Weapon Wednesday: the "djanbīyya" dagger

The Middle Eastern two-edged curved dagger is one of the most recognizable weapon forms. Typically it is known by the Arab term djanb ī yya  sometimes Anglicised as "jambiya", or also often the Arabic term  khandjar, but these curved daggers are found across the Middle East. Curved