
Résultats 131 à 140 sur 479

Mystery of conical fossils solved, after 175 years

Mystery of conical fossils solved, after 175 years

My name is Joe Moysiuk, I am a 20-year-old undergraduate student at the University of Toronto enrolled in both the departments of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Earth Sciences. I am excited to announce that a research paper which I am lead author of, titled Hyoliths are Palaeozoic

Archaeological Approaches to Ceramics

Archaeological Approaches to Ceramics

By Ashley MacLellan and Craig Cipolla Back in October, we posted the first in a series of blog entries dedicated to ROM curator, Craig Cipolla’s collaborative research project with Wyandot artists Richard Zane Smith and Catherine Tammaro entitled, “Remembering Ancient Pottery Traditions.” We

Illustrations that Bring the Past Back to Life!

Illustrations that Bring the Past Back to Life!

Meet Danielle Dufault—she is the Royal Ontario Museum's paleaontological illustrator. Danielle’s job requires her to reconstruct or depict prehistoric life according to current knowledge and scientific evidence using several illustrative techniques. Working closely with the researchers

Collaboration, Family and Photography: The Process of Creating an Installation for The Family Camera Exhibition

Written By Maya Wilson-Sanchez Since September 2016, OCAD University, The Royal Ontario Museum and The Family Camera Network have been collaborating to create an interactive project for The Family Camera exhibition opening May 6, 2017. This opportunity is offered through OCAD U’s Digital Futures

CANADA 150 – Newfoundland and Labrador – Sarah Savarey Hat Box

CANADA 150 – Newfoundland and Labrador – Sarah Savarey Hat Box

I’m starting my Canada 150 blogging project in Newfoundland and Labrador. Why? To start, it is the province that lies geographically furthest east, and moving east to west is an easy organizational structure. More deeply, Newfoundland and Labrador was one of the last provinces to join

L'image du passé!

L'image du passé!

Voici Danielle Dufault, l’illustratrice paléontologique du Musée royal de l’Ontario. Danielle utilise plusieurs techniques d’illustration pour reconstituer ou représenter la vie préhistorique en se basant sur le savoir actuel et des preuves scientifiques. Travaillant en étroite

Adventures in the Great Bear Rainforest: from the Royal Ontario Museum to the wilds of British Columbia with Paul Nicklen

Adventures in the Great Bear Rainforest: from the Royal Ontario Museum to the wilds of British Columbia with Paul Nicklen

By guest blogger   Paul Esposti, 2016  Environmental Visual Communication Program  graduate. It’s September 2016, although I’ve lost track of the days. But it’s September and I’m in Northern British Columbia and being dry is a distant memory as I lay in a damp field surrounded by tall

CANADA 150- Newfoundland and Labrador- Michael Massie Teapot

CANADA 150- Newfoundland and Labrador- Michael Massie Teapot

My second object from Newfoundland and Labrador is a contemporary piece by silversmith Michael Massie.  It is a teapot, mimicking the shape of an ulu knife, with etched designs on the silver body of the pot.  The handle is made of bloodwood. Massie is a contemporary Canadian artist who was born

#ThrowbackThursday: Asparagus Brunch

In September, 1971, the ROM opened the landmark exhibition  Keep Me Warm One Night, a kaleidoscopic display of over 500 pieces of Canadian handweaving. It was the culmination of decades of pioneering research and collecting by the ROM curatorial powerhouse duo ‘Burnham and Burnham’, aka

 CANADA 150- Nova Scotia – Black rag doll

CANADA 150- Nova Scotia – Black rag doll

The Canadian Decorative Arts section of the Royal Ontario Museum has a reasonable doll collection, featuring both folk and commercially made dolls. Primarily the dolls represent the backgrounds of Anglophone and Francophone early Canadian settlers, like this handmade dancing doll from Quebec, and