
Résultats 341 à 350 sur 479

Fantastic Folding Fan Leaf

By Ka Bo Tsang, ROM Assistant Curator, Chinese Pictorial Arts Wu Huizhang wrote Tang-dynasty poems onto this folding fan, showing exceptional levels of concentration, writing skill, and compositional skill. In this age when the electric fan and air-conditioning provide us instant relief from the

Spinels: A Misunderstood Gemstone

Rubies, emeralds and diamonds are words you immediately associate with gemstones, but mention spinel and people give you a questioning look.  Gem spinels have been mined and used in jewellery for hundreds of years and are a very attractive and popular gem in high-end jewellery, but rarely seen in

Meteorite of the Month: Oriented Nose Cone

By Brendt C. Hyde and Ian Nicklin Figure 1: Meteorite showing ‘thumbprint’ features referred to as regmaglypts. As rocks from space come through the Earth’s atmosphere they are travelling at speeds as high as 70 km/s. At these speeds, air in front of large space rocks gets compressed and, in

Building Blocks of the ROM

Submitted by Vincent Vertolli, Assistant Curator Geology Opened in 1933, the addition facing Queen's Park features materials found in Ontario quarries. The Rotunda part of the familiar west wing of the ROM facing Queen’s Park Drive was, for many years, the main Entrance Hall. For countless

Camp de jour ROMJeunes

Camp de jour ROMJeunes

Vous ne savez pas quoi faire avec vos enfants lors d’une journée pédagogique? Inscrivez-les au camp du ROM pour la journée! Au Musée, les jeunes apprennent de façon pratique et interactive. Inscrivez vos enfants de 5 à 14 ans au Camp de jour ROMJeunes. Cette version d’une journée de