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Eight-legged and Adorable

Eight-legged and Adorable

Guest blog written by 2018 Environmental Visual Communication student Mya Van Woudenberg. Let me paint you a picture of a spectacular critter. Staring up at you is an adorable little animal precious enough that it could fit in your hand. You carefully pick him up, and his tiny feet tickle your

Totally Buggin’: Spiders and Insects in Pop Culture

Totally Buggin’: Spiders and Insects in Pop Culture

Guest blog written by 2018  Environmental Visual Communication  student  Michael Berger. Dr. Susan Tyler paces the empty subway platform, lit by flickering fluorescents, anxiously waiting for her husband’s return from the perilous depths of the underground. Out of the corner of her eye she

An Innovative Approach to A Puzzling Problem

An Innovative Approach to A Puzzling Problem

Conserving an Indian Chintz Cope made in the Eighteenth Century for the Armenian Church Here in the Textile Conservation department of the ROM, Senior Textile Conservator Chris Paulocik and I have begun preparing objects for display in the upcoming exhibition: “The Cloth that Changed the World:

Introducing Zuul, Destroyer of Shins, Generator of Science

Introducing Zuul, Destroyer of Shins, Generator of Science

Today, the ROM unveiled a new species of armored dinosaur, Zuul crurivastator, based on an almost complete and remarkably well-preserved skeleton from the Judith River Formation of Montana. The skeleton of Zuul was acquired by the ROM with the generous support of the Louise Hawley Stone Trust, and

Ben & Bruno’s Excellent Trilobite Adventure

Curatorial staff in attendance at the ROM’s popular bimonthly Rock, Gem, Mineral, Fossil, and Meteorite Identification Clinics are routinely treated to a fascinating array of objects brought in by an equally fascinating cross-section of our museum visitors. From very junior geologists clutching


What comes to mind when you hear or read the word “jaws”? For many, it will be the eponymous 1975 Hollywood blockbuster, starring a memorable mechanical menace in the form of a ravenous Great White Shark – along with a few notable human actors, of course. Or perhaps it invokes images of

Mineral of the month: serandite

World's largest twinned serandite crystal. This is the first entry in a new series the Earth Sciences section will be running, Mineral of the Month. These blogs will feature remarkable (and perhaps some not quite so remarkable but interesting none the less) specimens from the museum’s world

 The life cycle of a new fossil: Meet the ancient cousin of the earthworm

The life cycle of a new fossil: Meet the ancient cousin of the earthworm

By Karma Nanglu Have you ever wondered how a new fossil is described? Or picked up an earthworm on a rainy day and thought to yourself “where do animals like these come from?” In this ROMblog post, I’ll walk you through the process of describing an exceptionally well-preserved new fossil

Huge cache of fossils from the Burgess Shale reveal a new species of large predator

Huge cache of fossils from the Burgess Shale reveal a new species of large predator

Joe Moysiuk – Phd Student & Vanier Scholar, Royal Ontario Museum & University of Toronto We recently unveiled fossils of a new large predatory species in a paper in Proceedings of the Royal Society B. This animal had rake-like claws and a pineapple-slice-shaped mouth at the front of an

Mighty Burgess Shale fossil site discovered in Kootenay National Park

Mighty Burgess Shale fossil site discovered in Kootenay National Park

This new fossil assemblage is about the same age as the famous Burgess Shale deposit in Yoho National Park, and has the potential to become at least as significant. Since it was discovered by Charles Walcott in 1909, the Burgess Shale has remained the main source of information about Cambrian