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Résultats 341 à 350 sur 945

Conservation Intern Spotlight: Emily Ricketts

Conservation Intern Spotlight: Emily Ricketts

As a ROM intern and a newcomer to Toronto, I spend a lot of time exploring the public spaces at the museum. One particular day, while visiting the Samuel European Galleries, I noticed a jarring new addition to a charming 18 th century English room. A bright blue ladder (with no trace of entrance

Conservation Intern Spotlight: Natasa Krsmanovic

Conservation Intern Spotlight: Natasa Krsmanovic

As a web intern at the ROM, the last place you’d expect me to visit is the Conservation department—which is situated many floors above my office! You may be surprised by how necessary it is for such contrasting departments to establish a close working relationship. But it is an interconnected

Road Ecology in Presqu'ile Provincial Park

Recently, I visited Presqu'ile Provincial Park to get a better understanding of Road Ecology- a fairly new science in Canada. I met Sean Boyle- full disclosure- my son, to find out what his PhD project entailed in the park. First, I would like to say that it is quite a beautiful park with

My Experience as a Web Intern at the ROM

My Experience as a Web Intern at the ROM

A year ago this August, after uprooting my life in Victoria, British Columbia, I relocated to Toronto. It was a pretty intense transition, since I grew up in a coastal city of less than 350,000 people. I've dreamed of working in a museum for many years, so when I was accepted into the  Master

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Buildings

The Monastery of St Moses, Syria: The Buildings

The monastery of Deir Mar Musa in its heyday included hermitages spread around the landscape, but as today, the focus of the complex would have been the buildings, especially the chapel, home to the important frescos. The archaeology of standing buildings requires looking at walls to see how they

Gamers Unite for ROM Game Jam 2014

Gamers Unite for ROM Game Jam 2014

  Guest blog written by Environmental Visual Communication Student Justine DiCesare   25 Teams. 62 People. 3 Days. 30+ galleries. Millions of specimens and artifacts.   From August 8th to 10th, gamers and game developers from all over the GTA will be converging on the ROM to develop video games

Up on the Rooftop- The ROM's Green Roof

Up on the Rooftop- The ROM's Green Roof

Guest blog posting by Environmental Visual Communication student Vincent Luk Earlier this summer, a group of Torontonian researchers and PhD students were granted rare access to the ROM’s green roof, “Liza’s Garden” to survey the biodiversity, take soil samples, and to look for changes in

Biodiversity in the City: Toronto Biodiversity Series Launch

Biodiversity in the City: Toronto Biodiversity Series Launch

  Guest blog written by Environmental Visual Communication student Justine DiCesare     Earlier this summer, the public was invited to the Evergreen Brickworks for the launch of the “Biodiversity Series of Toronto”. The four guidebooks highlighted at the event were “Mammals of Toronto”,

Our next Google+ Hangout on Air: De-Extinction

Our next Google+ Hangout on Air: De-Extinction

Join us for our next Google+ Hangout on Air on September 24th at NOON. Topic: De-Extinction De-Extinction is a word that you don't hear very often but one that is circling within scientific communities, particularly those scientists interested in biodiversity conservation and genetics.  What

Game Jam 2014- A Revolutionary Success

Game Jam 2014- A Revolutionary Success

The 2014 ROM Game Jam, "The Evolution Revolution" took place over the weekend of August 8-10 and was a huge success. Teams of gaming enthusiasts, programmers, musicians, and visual artists worked together to produce more than twenty fantastic game concepts, all inspired and informed by