
Résultats 2621 à 2630 sur 3085

La baleine bleue

La baleine bleue

En mai 2014, une petite équipe de chercheurs du ROM s’est rendue à Terre-Neuve pour récupérer le squelette d’un rorqual bleu, ou baleine bleue, qui s’était échoué sur les rives. Cet événement tragique représente une occasion exceptionnelle d’étudier l’une des espèces de

Winter Visitors in Hands-on Biodiversity

It’s that time of year!  ROM for the Holidays is finally here, and we’ve been hard at work in the Keenan Family Gallery of Hands-on Biodiversity (HOB for short) getting some new hands-on activities ready to go. First up is the brand-new, never-before-seen touch table that we put together in

Of Quilts and Quilting

By Joan Schiff, Chair of the Programs and Events Committee, Friends of Textiles and Costume. Left: Fashionable ladies in 18th century Britain wore quilted petticoats for warmth and beauty. Right: Love Apple is an example of a wedding quilt from the ROM’s collection. As fall approaches, thoughts

Summerasaurus Part VI: Un-jacketing dino bones in the Vertebrate Palaeontology Lab

Today, we thought we’d offer you a behind-the-scenes look at the Vertebrate Palaeontology Lab to see what happens to dino bones between being excavated and being put on display or used for research. Field jackets about to be opened are stored in the Vertebrate Palaeontology Lab. When dino bones

The end is near…the long Maya count down

Altar commemorating the midpoint of a k’atun in 682 CE. Sandstone. Late Classic Period (AD 600-900). Toniná, Chiapas, Mexico. Museo Regional de Chiapas. Image (c) CONACULTA.-INAH.-MEX. Jorge Vertiz 2011. Reproduction Authorized by the National Institute of Anthropology and History. As we count

A Super Event and a Super Moon

The libration of the Moon over a single lunar month. Image credit: Tom Ruen For all the space junkies and aspiring astronauts, the ROM is holding its first ever Space Weekend on May 5 and 6…it’s going to be out of this world! A variety of rare metorites will be on display, many that you can

Meteorite of the month: Springwater pallasite

The world's largest specimen of the Springwater pallasite meteorite. This is the first blog in a new series, Meteorite of the Month, that will feature meteorite specimens from the museums outstanding collection. We will also be putting up a Mineral and a Gem each month so there’s something

Meteorite or “Meteor-wrong”?

ROM Earth Scientists receive dozens of requests each year to identify possible meteorites. This is especially the case when there is a spectacular fireball similar to the one which recently streaked across southern Ontario on December 12 of this year (the video was captured by astronomers at the

A Rare and Beautiful Bird

  Their distinctive heart-shaped face actually helps improve their hearing. With lop-sided ears, they can easily pinpoint prey with sound alone. Photo by Steve Brace The ROM’s Ornithology collection received a very special gift this holiday, a Barn Owl (Tyto alba) was donated by Tyler Hoar, a

Mineral of the month: serandite

World's largest twinned serandite crystal. This is the first entry in a new series the Earth Sciences section will be running, Mineral of the Month. These blogs will feature remarkable (and perhaps some not quite so remarkable but interesting none the less) specimens from the museum’s world