
Résultats 1531 à 1540 sur 2146



Curious about art, culture, and nature? Learn why these topics matter within and beyond Museum walls. Talks at ROM offer engaging moments of thought-provoking learning with experts and objects from, and inspired by, collections in the Museum. Upcoming talks are identified as either at ROM or

Voici les gagnants du concours du Photographe naturaliste du ROM 2023

Voici les gagnants du concours du Photographe naturaliste du ROM 2023

Inspiré par la prestigieuse exposition  Le photographe naturaliste de l’année, le concours Le photographe naturaliste de l’année du ROM 2023 s’est tenu pour une neuvième année de suite – et il était accompagné d’une remise de prix incroyable provenant de nos amis chez Henry’s!

Corporate Partnership Opportunities

Through its programs and world-class collections, the ROM is inspiring the next generation of artists, scientists, researchers and curious minds. We invite visionary partners to work with us to create the museum of the 21st century. Learn more about the unique benefits of sponsoring a gallery,

Commandite d’événements

Nos programmes et collections de calibre international inspirent la prochaine génération d’artistes, de scientifiques, de chercheurs et d’esprits curieux. Nous invitons nos partenaires visionnaires à créer avec nous le musée du XXI e siècle. Il existe de véritables avantages à parrainer

Friends of South Asia

--> The Friends of South Asia supports the appreciation for and cultivates awareness of ROM’s Global South Asian gallery and collection. We strive to forge and maintain links with all those who are curious about and interested in Global South Asian art, culture and history. Global South Asia

Presenting our Winners of the 2023 ROM Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest

Presenting our Winners of the 2023 ROM Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest

Inspired by the prestigious  Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition, the Ontario-wide ROM Wildlife Photographer of the Year contest returned for a 9th year –with incredible prizes from our friends at Henry’s! From November 25, 2023 to March 25, 2024, ROM invited amateur and professional

Le Cercle royal des expositions

Soutenir des expositions de grande portée Le Cercle royal des expositions est un nouveau groupe de bienfaiteurs visionnaires qui croient au pouvoir des expositions temporaires du Musée. À titre de membre de ce groupe de mécènes exclusif, votre contribution remarquable permettra de financer en

ROM After Dark: Dino Nite

Back from Extinction and Ready to Party.     ROM After Dark is the popular after-hours adult (19+) event series that features curated music, visual arts, performances, and distinctive food and drink. Go Jurassic with RAD: DinoNite —a rip-roaring party packed with delicious eats, live music,