
Résultats 231 à 240 sur 3094

Hollow-Brick Han Tomb

Hollow-Brick Han Tomb

During the Han Dynasty, stone and brick tombs of the wealthy were subterranean residences adorned with decorated walls and furnished with everything the occupant might need in the hereafter. At the south end of the ROM Gallery of Chinese Architecture lie two reconstructions of Han Dynasty tombs

The Shandong Project

The Shandong Project

Upper Palaeolithic microblade technology Begun in 2000, this research project investigates the origin and development of microblade technology in the Upper Palaeolithic of north-central China (30,000- 8,000 BC). The microblade technique is a unique flint-knapping method of manufacturing thin small

The Luonan Project

The Luonan Project

Lower Palaeolithic settlement of the Middle Pleistocene The Luonan Basin is located about 1000 meters above sea level, in the valleys of the Qingling Mountains. This research project investigates the settlement pattern of Lower Palaeolithic sites in the small basin. Prior to 1995, little was known

The Nihewan Project

The Nihewan Project

The Early Pleistocene hominid occupations in East Asia (1.8 – 1 million years ago) This project’s objective is to find archaeological evidence related to hominid behaviours as well as the earliest hominid fossils in the Nihewan Basin, located in Hebei province about 150 km northwest from

Chinese Coins

Chinese Coins

The ROM is one of few museums in the world with a collection of comprehensive Chinese coins. The collection was researched to create a numismatic timeline for the Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Gallery of China. The display of 88 coins includes the best examples from the 3rd century BC to the end of the

Rates & Policies

For education and camp groups, please book through Education and Camp Visits Weekend and groups outside of Ontario and Canada should book through Group Sales. Rates Rates are the same for students, teachers, and adult supervisors.  Group participants may not pay individually. The following

Acquisitions & Loans

The Registration section works in collaboration with the curatorial departments for all object transactions including acquisitions, loans and Canadian Cultural Property Export Review Board grant and certification applications. We draft and negotiate copyright agreements for acquisitions and loans,

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ROM Books can be purchased by the general public at bookstores, online, and at the ROM Boutique. Bookstores and Librarians, please call University of Toronto Press Customer Service for ordering information and inquiries regarding product availability, status of shipment, and billing. ROM books are

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