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ROM Game Jam: FAQs

JUMP TO:  Basics | ROM Venue | Team Info | Games | Post Game Jam BASICS + What is a Game Jam? From Wikipedia: “A game jam is a gathering of game developers for the purpose of planning, designing, and creating games within a short span of time. Game developers are generally made up of

Library & Archives Guidelines

Access and Circulation Information regarding access, circulation, borrowing privileges, loan periods, fines, and inter-library loans Archives, Special Collections, and Rare Book User Registration and Agreement Required for patrons seeking to consult archival, special collections, or rare book

Acquisitions et prêts

De concert avec les conservateurs et commissaires, le Service de l’enregistrement s’occupe des transactions d’objets, notamment les acquisitions et les prêts, les subventions accordées par la Commission canadienne d’examen des exportations de biens culturels et les demandes

A night of splendour!

On March 6, 2019, the ROM welcomed more than 500 special guests at the ROM Ball, Ontario’s preeminent cultural charity gala in support of the Museum.  An unforgettable evening of culture and glamour made possible with generous support from Presenting Sponsor CIBC, the spectacular biennial

Income Tax Reduction & Estate Tax Elimination

Join us for an exclusive virtual presentation ROM supporters are invited to attend an exclusive virtual presentation by financial expert Keith Thomson on how to save money while estate planning. You will learn: How to minimize or even eliminate taxes on your estate  How to change

Business Plans

As an agency of the Government of Ontario, the Royal Ontario Museum is required to follow the policies and procedures set out in the Agencies and Accountability Directive.  To meet this directive an annual business plan, approved by a Minister, is made publicly available on our website. Public

Travel and Hospitality Expenses

As an agency of the Government of Ontario, the Royal Ontario Museum is required to disclose Travel, Meal and Hospitality expenses for designated individuals as outlined for public viewing on our website as outlined in the  Travel, Meal and Hospitality Directive. The purpost of the directive is to

Open Data Directive

Ontario’s Open Data Directive requires every provincial agency to publish a list of all the datasets they create, collect and/or manage as their Data Inventory. The Data Inventory lists all data sets and identifies whether a data set is currently open, in the process of being opened, or is exempt

Make a Splash

A big, big thanks to all of our supporters. DONATE NOW SIGN UP CAMPAIGN SPONSOR

Make a Splash

UN GRAND MERCI À TOUS NOS DONATEURS faites un don maintenant   Inscrivez-vous Commanditaire de la campagne