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Museum Monday with Melissa- April 20, 2015

Museum Monday with Melissa- April 20, 2015

Friday Night Live, more commonly known as #FNLROM  sign up has BEGUN! For all of the young professionals looking to rub shoulders with the cultured people of the city, there really is no better place to be on a Friday night. Food stations, drinks, music & various other activities take place

Recuperating Fashion History 1700- 2000

Recuperating Fashion History 1700- 2000

Funded by the Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Research Grant  Recuperating Fashion History 1700- 2000 sets out to examine and question the existing histories of fashion. It shows the dynamic, economic, social and cultural capital that fashion really held. It does

Le projet Photos de famille

Le projet Photos de famille

La photo de famille, c’est quoi, au juste? Comment influence-t-elle nos souvenirs? Que nous révèle-t-elle sur les expériences migratoires? Que nous raconte-t-elle sur nos histoires nationales? Le réseau FAMILY CAMERA NETWORK, dans lequel s'inscrit le projet appelé Photos de famille, est

Museum Monday with Melissa- April 27, 2015

Museum Monday with Melissa- April 27, 2015

With May just a few days away and warmer weather upon us, you can count on an innovative and creative week at the Royal Ontario Museum.  ROM Speaks: The Narrow Edge: A Tiny Bird, An Ancient Crab, And An Epic Journey Adults will enjoy learning about the biodiversity.  This moderated evening event

Museum Monday with Melissa- May 4, 2015

Museum Monday with Melissa- May 4, 2015

I’m quite excited for this week, as the theme will be Cinco de Mayo! So many incredible curated experiences featuring Mexico. This week's ROMSpeaks will be held on May 5th 2015. It will include guest curator Chloë Sayer, of the new textiles exhibit ¡Viva México!, from May 9, 2015 to May


FELIX You are Felix, a slave who was a cook in a wealthy Pompeian household. You and your son were bought by the same owner, but your son now works on the owner's huge farming estate in the Campanian countryside. You stayed at your duties until the rainfall of debris became too heavy too


METELLA You are Metella, wife of a wealthy Roman citizen and mother of three children. As a respectable Roman matron, you spend much of your day indoors, overseeing the management of your household. Slaves handle all of the domestic chores, and look after the children. Your leisure time is spent

Lucretius Satrius Valens

Lucretius Satrius Valens You are Lucretius Satrius Valens a wealthy Roman politician. You spend much of your time in Rome, but you come from Pompeii, where you have gained political support by financing public games in the amphitheatre, and championing the interests of your supporters. Fortunately,

We Won!

We Won!

We're ecstatic to announce that @ROMtoronto and our social media team has won a  MUSE Award for #FNLROM.  This award is presented by the American Alliance of Museums to Museums who use digital media to enhance the Museum experience, engage audiences, and celebrates scholarship, community,