
Résultats 581 à 590 sur 3090


Priests During the Age of the Pyramids, many high officials, scribes, and craftsmen held titles that expressed a connection between the tomb owner and a temple or the cult of a god. Few people, however, were full-time ritual practitioners; one month in ten seems to have been the usual length of

Pyramid Texts

  Pyramid Texts The Pyramid Texts are the oldest collection of religious writings in the world. The oldest copies we have are about four thousand four hundred years old, but most scholars believe that the prayers themselves are much older. They may have existed in spoken and sung forms since early

Royal Mortuary Temples

Royal Mortuary Temples Royal Mortuary Temples were associated with pyramids. In them, the king was worshiped while he was alive and after he was dead. The ceremonies in these temples may have given worship to the king so that he could direct this worship to the gods. The royal mortuary cults were

Sun Temples

Sun Temples Sun Temples were built during the Fifty Dynasty to honour the god Re. They are evidence for the growth in importance of this god. Though all the Sun Temples are in ruins now, enough remains of their decoration to show that the beauty of the natural world was celebrated in these places.


Temples Archaeology is essential to our attempts to understand ancient temples and the religion that once animated them. Because temples were often built with beautiful stone and fine columns of red granite from Aswan, most have been dismantled and the building materials recycled. Mud-bricks which

Tomb Inscriptions & Curses

Tomb Inscriptions and Curses Most inscriptions in tombs tell the name of the deceased, and list his or her titles. Sometimes the inscription also tells us the names of the tomb owner's parents. Very few tell us of the events of a person's life, though some Sixth Dynasty tombs, such as

Map of Ancient Egypt

Map of Ancient Egypt 

Primary Sources of Information about the Age of the Pyramids

The Age of Pyramids  We know more about the Ancient Egyptians than any other ancient civilization. Scribes of the Old Empire Tombs are major primary sources of information about Ancient Egypt. The Ancient Egyptians believed that death was not the end; there was an afterlife. This afterlife would

Secondary Sources

The Palermo Stone Originally, this large stone contained a record of the activities of the kings of Egypt from the First Dynasty to the beginning of the Fifth. The height of the Nile's annual inundation, festivals, gifts from the king to the gods, and wars were recorded. Compiled during the