
Résultats 711 à 720 sur 3090

Damien’s Wish: A Day as a Palaeontologist

Damien’s Wish: A Day as a Palaeontologist

If you could wish for anything what would it be? As hard as a decision as this is to make for most of us, for young Damien, age 12, it was a no-brainer. This week the ROM and Make-A-Wish Canada teamed up to help grant Damien—who has been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia—his wish to

A Legacy in the Making

A Legacy in the Making

Balancing family, career and finances can be a rewarding juggling act. As a mother of two young children, June Perry is used to having her hands full. Like many parents, her daily life is full of joy as she watches her kids grow and learn, while balancing the financial responsibilities and

A Family Affair With a Land Before Time

A Family Affair With a Land Before Time

Dr. Maureen Trudeau and her family first discovered the Burgess Shale while wandering the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta. She and her “dinosaur-obsessed son” came across an exhibit with large replicas of bizarre early life creatures that had been unearthed in Yoho National Park,


Thank you for contributing to ROM ReCollects. As we prepare for the ROM Centennial celebrations getting started in March 2014, the stories, videos and photographs we are gathering will become part of a popular history of the Museum. The ROM ReCollects website will be available online beginning in

Rapports et politiques

Le Musée royal de l’Ontario (ROM) est un organisme du ministère de la Culture de l’Ontario. Le Conseil d’administration est responsable de la gestion du Musée, il est doté de pouvoirs qui lui sont conférés par l’Assemblée législative conformément à la Loi sur le Musée royal de

Discovery of jumping behaviour in a caterpillar, Calindoea trifascialis, in Vietnam

Former ROM grad student Kim Humphreys (lead author) and I recently published an article in the scientific journal Biology Letters describing yet another fascinating behavior of the caterpillar Calindoea trifascialis. This caterpillar lives in the hot, dry open forests of southern Vietnam and feeds

ROM Learning: Object based learning

ROM Learning: Object based learning

Join the Manager of Children's Programs, Jovanna Scorsone and ROM Educators Jacques Lavoie and Gayle Gibson as they discuss the resources available to teachers at the museum. This hangout talks specifically about how our handling collection can help teachers augment their curriculum offerings.

The ROM gets a new Roof

The ROM gets a new Roof

Walking past the ROM these days, you can’t help but notice the scaffolding on  south side of the Queens Park wing, or the safety barriers on the roof. After eighty years of service, the familiar green copper roof is being replaced. If you take a look at the roof through the ROM’s web cam, you

What's special about the new copper roof at the ROM?

What's special about the new copper roof at the ROM?

You may have noticed that there is some work going on on the ROOF of the  Queens Park addition (1932) of the ROM. The short story is that the copper roof is being replaced. The whole story involves what is actually going under the copper cladding. It is not so much what you do see, but what you

A Pair of 18th Century French Panniers Arrives at the ROM!

A Pair of 18th Century French Panniers Arrives at the ROM!

As Interim Collections Technician in the Department of World Cultures’ Textile & Costume Section, I have the great pleasure and the great challenge of processing the Section’s many acquisitions. Taking in a group of rare 18 th century European objects in the early part of 2013 was one of