
Résultats 561 à 570 sur 3093

Artists and Sculptors

Artists and Sculptors Why did Ancient Egyptians draw and sculpt that way? They did not have a word that corresponds to our word 'art'. They do not seem to have made statues or paintings to collect or to hang on the walls of museums and art galleries. But they loved to be surrounded by


Textiles All ancient Egyptians, rich or poor, male or female, wore linen clothing.. The lists of offerings in tombs almost always mentions linen as something that the deceased would need in the next world. There are many steps required to make linen from flax. Great skill was required to turn the


Writing  To the Ancient Egyptians, the greatest art was writing. The scribe who mastered the hieratic and hieroglyphic writing systems was guaranteed a good job in the bureaucracy, and a chance to rise as high as his ability (and the king's favour) would take him. Hieroglyphs were called


Childhood Ancient Egyptians, like modern Egyptians, loved children, and took good care of them. Mothers nursed their babies for three or four years. Little ones were carried by their mothers in a soft sling, so that they felt her body's warmth and her presence always. There are many images of


Education  Going to school was a privilege and only children of the upper classes received a formal education. Reading and writing, the skills of a scribe, were the most prized forms of learning, and were seen as the key to a successful career in the king's service. Girls did not attend

Infant Mortality

Infant Mortality Childbirth is a dangerous time for mothers and for babies. In Ancient Egypt, maternal and infant mortality were high. This is not because Egypt was more dangerous than other countries. For most of human history, between twenty and fifty percent of babies have not lived through


Kings During the Age of the Pyramids, the King was a semi-divine figure, an embryo god, identified as "Son of the Sun". Despite this, at least one king was assassinated, and the Ancient Egyptians felt comfortable to tell stories about their rulers. King Khufu and the Magicians is one of

Marriage and Adulthood

Marriage and Adulthood Were there ceremonies to mark the end of childhood? Young boys seem to have been initiated into manhood through a circumcision ceremony. There is no mention of a similar ceremony for girls, but menarche may have been celebrated at women-only parties which would not be


Names Names went in and out of fashion in Ancient Egypt, even as they do in modern times. (For example, Florence was not used as a woman's name until Mr. and Mrs. Nightingale decided to call their little girl after the city in Italy. Kim was a very rare name in the English-speaking world


The People of Ancient Egypt Who were the people of Ancient Egypt? What did they look like? What evidence can we get from archaeology and anthropology? Can Ancient Egyptian statues and paintings tell us what people really looked like in the Age of the Pyramids? The ancient population of Egypt has