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Résultats 31 à 36 sur 36

A Gift to Future Generations

A Gift to Future Generations

During his decades as an elementary school teacher, Thomas Charles Messecar Logan was devoted to inspiring brighter futures for young people. And though he passed away in March 2022, his impact will continue thanks to his generous estate gift to ROM. “Thomas believed in the power of the arts to

Quarterback of Culture

Quarterback of Culture

Wander ROM’s galleries and you will find countless examples of legendary champions – statues of Rama, amphoras depicting Athena, colourful prints of Gandhi, a towering T. rex. But ROM has another kind of champion too – tireless supporters like Rob Pierce. An advocate of cultural philanthropy,

The Art of Creating a Legacy

The Art of Creating a Legacy

As a DMV member for over 35 years, Josephine Breyfogle was always willing to take on new challenges—challenges to help advance the Museum’s mission and impact in the community. Thanks to a thoughtful gift in her estate, she will continue to do that for many years to come. Before she passed away

Janice Price appointed President and CEO of ROM Governors

Janice Price appointed President and CEO of ROM Governors

Following an extensive international search in collaboration with Isaacson, Miller: Executive Search, the Royal Ontario Museum Board of Governors is pleased to announce the appointment of Janice Price as the new President & CEO of ROM Governors, the foundation responsible for philanthropic

Janice Price nommée directrice générale des gouverneurs du ROM

Janice Price nommée directrice générale des gouverneurs du ROM

À la suite d’une vaste recherche internationale menée en collaboration avec Isaacson, Miller: Executive Search, le Conseil des gouverneurs du Musée royal de l’Ontario est heureux d’annoncer la nomination de Janice Price au poste de directrice générale des gouverneurs du ROM, la fondation

Pleins feux sur les membres du Cercle des Jeunes mécènes: Jeffrey Sax

Pleins feux sur les membres du Cercle des Jeunes mécènes: Jeffrey Sax

J’entame tout juste ma 10 e année en tant que membre du Cercle des Jeunes mécènes du ROM et ce qui me motive à renouveler mon adhésion, ce sont les autres membres. Toronto est souvent (d’après mon expérience) décrite comme une ville froide où il est difficile de se faire de nouveaux