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Résultats 221 à 230 sur 945

Bringing the Streets to Life: ROM Walk- Amanda Hunter

authored by Amanda Hunter I am usually on my way from “A to B,” concerned with the destination and too busy for the journey. Like all young Torontonians I happen to have an incredible ability for spontaneity; when extra time shows its face we take it before it’s too late. Sunday afternoon led

We’re More Ancient than We Think

We’re More Ancient than We Think

We’re More Ancient than We Think: An afternoon with April Hawkins, New World Archaeology Collection Technician. They stand at attention, arranged in rows, mute and stationary. Each face is a cartoonish riot captured mid-contortion and yet so still as to appear serene. Even in this fluorescent

The Museum Makers Mural!

    Hi, we are the Museum Makers from Session 1 of Summer Club 2013!  We made this extraordinary mural for the Royal Ontario Museum.   We chose specific drawings to represent different galleries in the museum. For example, we chose different plants and animals to represent the Schad Gallery of



As the ROM's photographer, I get to see and handle some really neat things. Today for instance, Ian Nicklin the ROM's resident meteorite specialist, came to the studio with three thin slices of a meteorite. This particular specimen, NWA 5232 for the 5232nd metorite from North West Africa

Purple Wartybacks, Pink Heelsplitters, and Rayed Beans—Oh my!

Purple Wartybacks, Pink Heelsplitters, and Rayed Beans—Oh my!

Text and Photos by Vanessa Minke-Martin, EVC Student Freshwater mussels live in streams and lakes across the country, but the largest number of species and highest densities of Canadian mussels are found in the rivers of southern Ontario. Unfortunately, thirteen of the 41 species currently living

Let there be Light

Let there be Light

Textiles from the collection are frequent visitors to the photo studio. They come in all forms: big or small, mounted or flat, modern or ancient, fragrements or complete costumes- you get the picture. Anything from our vast textile collection could be brought to the studio for photography. The

The Blueprint of Life- DNA & YOU

The Blueprint of Life- DNA & YOU

Article written by Christine Black; photos done by Jacqueline Waters. Christine Black, a volunteer in the ROM's DNA lab shares her experience and encourages you to join her at this months Curators Corner DNA & YOU! For the past year I have been volunteering here at the ROM, particularly in

New Acquisition: Late Triassic Araucarian Conifer

New Acquisition: Late Triassic Araucarian Conifer

Last week the museum recieved our newly acquired Late Triassic Araucarian Conifer, purchased with the generous support of the  Louise Hawley Stone Charitable Trust- Acquisitions Fund. This vertically-sectioned, polished fossil tree trunk stands nearly 2 metres in height and it over one-half metre

Behind the Scenes: What the ROM is Doing this Afternoon

Behind the Scenes: What the ROM is Doing this Afternoon

By Deirdre Leowinata (B.Sc. Biology and EVC student) When you think of someone who works in a museum, the first (and possibly the only) thing that comes to mind is a curator. Maybe a security guard, maybe a tour guide, but usually it’s not much more than that. Little you may know, museums are

ROM Out & About: Earth & Space Trivia Night

Last night was the second in a series of ROM Pub Trivia nights at the Fox's Den. With a healthy turnout of 53 people, the crowd was stumped and the winning team managed 37 correct answers out of 56. How well would you have done?  Test yourself with some of these questions from last night.