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Staying in Style: Books on Fashion

Staying in Style: Books on Fashion

October saw another Fashion Week in Toronto come and go- one of many events that mark the seasons of the fashion calendar.  Our interest in fashion is not new: clothing is a way to  demonstrate belonging, status, wealth or purpose, as well as to express individuality. The oldest book in the

Photography in the Field: equal parts business & pleasure

Photography in the Field: equal parts business & pleasure

By Guest Blogger Thomas Cullen, PhD Student and ROM Fossils and Evolution researcher. While I have always been interested in research, and in particular my own field of palaeontology, I was first drawn to science through a love of natural history. Growing up I have always taken any chance

Pacifist Males & Warrior Females

During the recent Hero-themed Friday Night Live at the ROM, I brought out examples of popular prints from the collection that explored different hero tropes in South Asian culture. Here are some of them. About a hundred year ago, mass produced colour lithographs proliferated across the South Asian

Modern Design for a Modern World: Art Deco in Paris

Modern Design for a Modern World: Art Deco in Paris

In the years between the World Wars a new design style emerged  which embraced  the imagery of industrialization.  This style, known as Art Deco, responded to the social and technological developments that had come out of the First World War, and celebrated all things modern. It was the era of

Where Do You Belong?

Show Us Where You Belong What makes you feel like you are part of a group, a community, a nation? What makes you feel out of place? What makes you feel like you are part of where you happen to live? Do you belong in one place or can you belong in many? Belonging—in a place or in a group—means

Textiles Close Up

Last week, the ROM hosted the first Canadian Textiles Close Up event for the Textile Society of America, featuring treasures of Islamic textile art in Toronto (10-11 Nov. 2014). This was in conjunction with the current exhibition   Cairo Under Wraps: Early Islamic Textiles. Day 1 was spent at the

Guide à l’intention des enseignants et accompagnateurs

Avant la visite Au Musée Après la visite Conseils aux accompagnateurs Aide-mémoire pour vous faciliter la vie ► Bien qu’il puisse être tentant d’essayer de voir un peu de tout au Musée pendant la même journée, vos élèves/étudiants risquent d’être dépassés et d’avoir de la

Programmation pour le personnel enseignant

Occasions d'apprentissage pour le personnel enseignant et les éducateurs et éducatrices autochtones Abonnez-vous à notre infolettre (disponible en anglais) pour être parmi les premières personnes à connaître la programmation pour la formation pédagogique et certaines activités des

Remembering Allan Baker

Remembering Allan Baker

Allan John Baker (1943- 2014) was hired by the ROM as Assistant Curator of Ornithology in 1972. He became Associate Curator and Head of the Ornithology Department in 1976, and was promoted to full Curator in 1981. In 1995, he became head of the ROM’s newly established Centre for Biodiversity and

The Wildlife Photographer of Yesteryear

The Wildlife Photographer of Yesteryear

The Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition is celebrating its 50th year, and the exhibition showing this year's outstanding images of the natural world opened at the ROM last week. Wildlife photography has a history nearly as long as the medium itself. Artists of other mediums had of