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Le réseau d'accès communautaire (ROMCAN)

Le réseau d’accès communautaire du ROM (ROMCAN), fondé en 2008, représente l’engagement du ROM d’éliminer les obstacles financiers, sociaux et culturels pouvant limiter l’accès au Musée à diverses communautés. Le réseau ROMCAN s’appuie sur trois piliers d’inclusion sociale :

Apprendre au ROM

Visites scolaires Activités Programmation pour les enseignants Stages et éducation coopérative En tournée Partenaires pédagogiques Bénévolat

Shopping & Dining

ROM Boutique ROM Boutique offers a unique collection of local, international, and artisanal products themed to art, culture, and nature, reflecting the beauty and diversity of the Museum's galleries and exhibitions. Hours:  Open Monday- Sunday: 11:00 am to 6:00 pm Open on Statutory Holidays


ROM Governors The ROM Board of Governors is a federally incorporated private sector Board, responsible for ROM’s long-term financial health and for the growth and management of its financial assets (endowments, capital and flow-through funds).  Jeff Willner Board Chair Owner and CEO, Navigatr

Location & Parking

Address ROM 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, ON, M5S 2C6 Entrances Weston Entrance: Queen’s Park Avenue Enter the Weston Entrance into The Rotunda. Taxis and other vehicles may drop off and pick up visitors in the loading zone on Queen’s Park.  Parking is not permitted in the loading areas. 

Accès et stationnements

Adresse Musée royal de l’Ontario 100, Queen’s Park, Toronto (Ontario)  M5S 2C6 Entrées Entrée Weston : Avenue Queen’s Park Accédez au Musée par l’entrée Weston qui donne sur la rotonde du ROM. On permet aux taxis et à d’autres véhicules, pendant quelques instants, de prendre ou


With more than 18 million artworks, artifacts, and specimens, ROM offers an unforgettable school visit experience. Discover our suite of onsite and virtual visit programs, along with other special programs and resources. School Visits Activities & Resources Specialty Programs

School Visits

For Ontario schools and education groups: ages 4 to 18 years old.  Bookings are available Tuesday to Friday from September to June.  Bookings are available Monday to Friday in July and August, and during March Break. Click here to learn about school visits and tour experiences for the upcoming

School Visits: Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away.

During the exhibition, ROM is offering enhanced learning about the Holocaust through unique, curriculum-aligned school visit tours and experiences. School visits are free to students, Grade 6 to 12, participating in organized school visits from Ontario based schools. Why book a school visit to