
Résultats 1451 à 1460 sur 2057

Bugs are moving in (not bed bugs this time)

Question: It’s fall, why are all these bugs coming into my home? I’ve never seen them before! Western conifer seed bug; copyright ROM images At this time of year, this is one of the most common insects that you might run into. They are relatively new to our fauna since they were not found in

Biodiversity Series wins award!

The Ontario Association of Landscape Architects recognized the City of Toronto Biodiversity Series of booklets with their Service to the Environment award. The award is “In recognition of the recipient’s ongoing contribution in supporting sensitive, sustainable stewardship of the

Massive Migration

They were everywhere across southern Ontario yesterday; even in downtown Toronto. I saw a few in Philosopher’s Walk and across the Bloor St. viaduct. The Red Admirals (Vanessa atalanta) have arrived! One of our more common migrant butterflies, they were spotted in the thousands from

ROM Field Guide to Butterflies of Ontario

ROM Field Guide to Butterflies of Ontario

In June 2014, the ROM Field Guide to the Butterflies of Ontario was published. This is the very first field guide on the butterflies of Ontario. It highlights the diversity of life by featuring a staggering 167 species of butterflies known to occur in Ontario. It includes descriptive species

Biodiversity in the City: Toronto Biodiversity Series Launch

Biodiversity in the City: Toronto Biodiversity Series Launch

  Guest blog written by Environmental Visual Communication student Justine DiCesare     In summer 2014, the public was invited to the Evergreen Brickworks for the launch of the “Biodiversity Series of Toronto”. The four guidebooks highlighted at the event were “Mammals of Toronto”,

Ladybug, ladybug and more ladybugs

Every fall, there is a period when people see lots of ladybird beetles flying about or congregating. Unlike our native species which are adapted to Canadian winters, the Asian Multicoloured Ladybird Beetle (Harmonia axyridis) cannot survive at temperatures below-5oC and has to find a place to

What's the Buzz on Bees?

What's the Buzz on Bees?

Antonia Guidotti, is an Entomology Technician at the ROM.  WHAT IS A BEE? Bees, ants, and wasps belong to the scientific order Hymenoptera, whose members have four transparent wings in at least one form. Some wasps and flies look very bee-like and bees can vary in size, colour, and


Post-secondary Internships Learning at ROM is pleased to accept interns from post-secondary programs in Education or Museum Studies to support our School Visits and Hands-on Galleries activities. Please email to learn more about possible placements. For information about

Teacher Programs

ROM offers specialized training programs, development and networking opportunities for Ontario educators and teaching professionals. Stay informed on new activities and resources as they become available. Sign up for our School Visits Enewsletter. Teacher Appreciation Days Back by popular demand!

Stages et éducation coopérative

Stages pour étudiants de niveau postsecondaire Lorsque des places sont disponibles, le Service de l’éducation du ROM est heureux d’accueillir des étudiants des programmes en sciences de l’éducation, études muséales ou autres domaines connexes. Les stagiaires inscrits dans un