
Résultats 41 à 50 sur 479

Summerasuarus: Dino Storage

Recently, we visited at the Vertebrate Palaeontology Lab to see how dinosaur bones are extracted from their plaster field jackets after they are hauled back from the field by palaeontologists like Dr. David Evans. But where does the ROM store these fossils once they are free from their rock matrix?

Five Questions for Hina P. Ansari

Hina P. Ansari’s relationship with Bollywood goes way back to the burgeoning of the industry. Her grandfather was a multi-faceted filmmaker known as one of the leading and first film noir directors of the Mumbai-based industry. She has made a name for herself in the fashion and entertainment

Three Questions with Cyrus Sundar Singh

Popular imagery of India is often full of bright colours that create vibrant landscapes. Taking a closer look it becomes clear that not only are India’s many forms of street art a huge source of these aesthetics, but also that they are changing. Canadian filmmaker Cyrus Sundar Singh, enchanted

Five Questions for Noah Cowan

Fun fact about the TIFF Bell Lightbox: its Artistic Director started out as a box-office volunteer. As a teenager, Noah Cowan volunteered for the relatively young “Festival of Festivals”, now the Toronto International Film Festival. Since those humble beginnings, he has started Midnight

Five Questions with Krishna

Submitted by Netta Kornberg, Intern with the Institute for Contemporary Culture. In 2008, when Srinivas Krishna ’s When the Gods Came Down to Earth was installed in front of the ROM, we had no idea he’d be back three years later, this time for Bollywood stars rather than Hindu Gods. On Sunday

Archaeological Achievements of the ROM- 1914 to 2012

As the newest Rebanks Intern, I am excited to present the latest ROM Library display case, located on the main floor just in front of the Library and Archives. On display is a timeline depicting highlights of the ROM’s extensive work and achievements in the field of archaeology. The chronology

ROM Research Colloquium: Dr. Peter Kaellgren

ROM Research Colloquium: Dr. Peter Kaellgren

Name: Peter Kaellgren   Title: Curator Emeritus, Department of World Cultures (Speciality European decorative arts from 1500 onwards)   On February 8th from 9:15am to 6:30pm ROM experts deliver fascinating 15-minute presentations on the latest research in the arts, archaeology and pure and

LEGO Maya Pyramid building for ROM March Break

 Fifty years ago, a tinny, lurching propeller plane circled above the tropical plain of Belize about 10 kilometres in from the Caribbean coastline. Below, amid a dark patch of forest, tiny slivers of chalky, exposed limestone peeked through the canopy. For the co-pilot that day, a young ROM

ROM Volunteer Profile: Patricia Harris

Patricia Harris is a true testament to the profound impact of volunteerism.  Who could have imagined that when Mrs. Harris – Pat to the many people who work with her – started volunteering with the ROM in 1958, she would not only stay with the commitment for over five decades, but would have a

Conservator in the House – In-situ Conservation of the “Tree Cookie”

Conservator in the House – In-situ Conservation of the “Tree Cookie”

Submitted by Heidi Sobol, Senior Conservator of Paintings The conservation treatment of the Douglas fir cross-section presently on display in the Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity has been underway for the past couple of years … but mainly up in the labs in the Conservation Department