Partners Enable Children to Visit the ROM

Established in 2006, the School Visits Bursary Program has enabled more than 137,225 students and educators to visit the Museum. This unique experience puts learning into the child’s hands, inviting them to handle real objects and artifacts, and to engage with passionate experts.
“There’s nothing quite like the thrill of donning medieval armour, holding a rare meteorite in your hands, or braving the ROM’s infamous Bat Cave,” says Linda Seymour, Executive Vice President and Head of Commercial Banking, HSBC Bank Canada. “We want to help young people reach their full potential, and so we’re delighted to support the School Visits Bursary Program and the fantastic learning opportunities it creates for youth.” As a founding partner of the Program, HSBC Bank Canada’s early support galvanized the corporate community to bring more schools to the Museum.
The ROM is proud to recognize Goldman Sachs Canada for coming on board as a new sponsor. “A visit to the ROM can be transformative for a child,” says Peter Enns, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Goldman Sachs Canada. “Students can learn about ancient cultures through Cleopatra, understand natural disasters by visiting Pompeii, and emerge with a brand new understanding of our world.”
Ada Slaight and Linamar are among the generous individuals and corporate partners that help make The School Visits Bursary Program possible at the ROM.
To learn how you can support the ROM’s School Visits Bursary Program, please contact Madeleine Dalkie, Director, Sponsorships at or 416 586 4115.