ROM Minecraft

A Minecraft screenshot of a dinosaur dig site with exposed dinosaur fossil, tents, truck with crates, and a holographic recreation of an ankylosaur.


Minecraft: Education Edition is a game-based learning platform that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive digital environment. For several years, the ROM has invited students onto its pilot Minecraft server to build meaningful, personalized learning across a wide variety of themes including science, resource use, community, cultural respect, and the cascading impacts of individual actions. We are very excited to introduce a new hybrid learning Minecraft program that can be run from your own classroom!

Virtual visits are coordinated with a ROM Educator at key progress points during the program, but the downloadable map and flexibility of Minecraft: Education Edition allows you to and your students to complete the in-game work according to your own classroom schedule.

Watch the Info Session to learn how to participate in our 2025 Spring Guided Programs.

  • "Rocks and Minerals" covers math (coding) and science expectations for the Grade 4 Ontario Curriculum.
  • "Sustainable Style" covers math (coding) expectations as well as subjects related to Climate Change for Grades 3-8.
  • Teachers must watch the info session to participate the Guided program.

Places for up to 20 classes per term (Sept-Jan, Jan-June) are available at no cost on a first come, first served basis.

The Independent Programs are available any time in the Minecraft Lesson Library

For more information, please contact ROM Learning and be sure to include Minecraft in the subject line. (

Sign up for our e-news to be notified about upcoming Minecraft special events and programs.

Special Events 2024-2025

Minecraft Guided Program Info Session - August 14, 2024 

Minecraft 101 for Teachers - August 21, 2024 - Register to view the recorded lesson

Minecraft Guided Program Info Session (Spring Term) - January 15, 2024 - Watch here

Minecraft 101 for Teachers - January 22, 2024 - Register here

A Minecraft screenshot of a dinosaur dig site with exposed dinosaur fossil, tents, truck with crates, and a holographic recreation of an ankylosaur.

Monthly Museum Minecraft 2024-2025

These one-hour virtual programs cover a new theme every month, ideal for classes that don't have the capacity for an extended Guided program. These lessons are structured for grade 4-8, but we welcome younger grades keen to use Minecraft, or older grades with creativity and curiosity.

Live attendance is recommended but not required; all registered classes will receive a link to the session recording. During the live sessions, teachers will still have the ability to pause and rewind the lesson as needed to accommodate their own students' pace.

New events will be announced here and in our School Programs newsletter..

Extended Programs

A Minecraft screenshot of an in-game guide standing next to the coding agent. Chalkboards in the background outline steps to creating a code to summon the agent, and indicate that the viewer is facing west.

Other Minecraft Content

Visit The Science of Minecraft to learn about the science behind Minecraft and show off your learning in a Minecraft Museum.

Learn More

Learn More

Visit the ROM Minecraft Wakelet to learn more about the historical use of Minecraft at the ROM, and to see the experiences of the pilot classes. Visit the current School Programs Wakelet to see the experiences of classes in progress.

ROM Minecraft is generously supported by the Barrick Gold Corporation.

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