
A new way to find community in a museum

Conversations are programs where you can talk about the museum's exhibits with other people.
four people sitting at a table, having a fun conversation at the Royal Ontario Museum


Have you ever been so moved, fascinated, or impressed by an object, specimen, or work of art, that you wish you could talk about it with others?

Conversations is a new program series of informal gatherings at ROM that invite you to engage with other individuals on topics of interest. Relax as you discuss specific collections, objects or themes of exhibitions, or take a tour followed by refreshments and conversation. You can also practice your language skills every month in sessions designed for newcomers, immigrants, and English language learners.

In past programs we have gathered to talk about topics such as: 

  • women artists in the Islamic world,
  • how different cultures deal with death and loss,
  • photographs that have inspired us to help protect the environment,
  • an art therapy workshop about eco-anxiety,
  • Indigenous knowledge to share with newcomers on how to care for Ontario's lakes and streams, and
  • speed friending over cats.

With many different formats and subjects to explore, Conversations invite participants to meet new people, learn from each other, and have a great time talking over hot drinks and cookies.

Conversations programs are for adults (18+).

These events are offered in English, unless otherwise specified.

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