Virtual Exhibition Experience: Auschwitz: Not Long Ago. Not Far Away.
Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away. examines the history and legacy of the most significant site of the Holocaust. Auschwitz became a system of death and concentration camps in which over 1 million Jews – and tens of thousands of others – were killed in a systematic and industrialized fashion.
The exhibition offers a profound educational opportunity for students. Aligning closely with the Ontario curriculum, visiting Auschwitz. Not long ago. Not far away. deepens students’ understanding of World War II, the Holocaust, and the dangers of prejudice, racism, and discrimination.
Education plays a vital role in identifying bias in all forms and fostering greater social cohesion. By engaging with authentic objects and survivor testimonies, students connect history to human experiences, providing a more impactful context than that achieved by textbook learning alone.
The comprehensive school visit programming below has been developed in partnership with the Toronto Holocaust Museum, ROM's Education Partner for the exhibition.
The virtual experience consists of an Elementary and a Secondary track. Once you submit your registration at the link above, you will receive access to the Virtual Exhibition, which includes the following:
Elementary (Grade 6-8)
- Pre-visit preparatory recording
- Pre-visit activities
- Virtual classroom exploration
- Virtual exhibition exploration
- Follow-up activities
Secondary (Grade 9-12)
- Pre-visit preparatory recording
- Pre-visit activities
- Virtual exhibition exploration
- Follow-up activities
You may also wish to pair your Virtual Exhibition Experience with an Onsite Visit (Elementary) (Secondary) or a Guided Virtual Visit with a Museum Educator (Elementary) (Secondary).
Museum Guidelines
Walk. Do not run.
Use indoor voices.
Stay with your adult.
Make way for ROM educators if they need a space for a lesson.
Don't touch objects. Only touch objects that are clearly marked as safe to touch.
Don’t rush. Focus your time on the objects that capture your interest and complete what you can within the time you have.
Ask questions and have fun!
Fast Facts
Survivor testimonials, historical documentation, and first-hand accounts by emancipating forces create a powerful connection to the exhibition's more than 500 original objects — many of which have never been seen before in Canada — on loan from the Auschwitz Memorial and more than 20 other major institutions and private collections around the world.