Wonder Garment

Wonder Garment
  • Now Open
December 16, 2023 to September 2, 2024
  • Level 1, Osler Gate
Celebrating the Sari


A beautiful sari, recently donated to the collections, takes centre stage this summer, drawing attention to these wonder garments, their adaptability, sustainability, and relevance through the ages.

Created from a single piece of uncut, unstitched fabric, the sari enjoys both a long history and a continued contemporary relevance. With over 100 draping variations, it can fit any body shape or size, crossing age, class, religion, community, and gender. Saris can be worn as casual day wear, formal wear, or styled as a form of regional identity or self-expression.

Made from green silk and woven with metallic thread, this featured sari was created in the 1950s, and is presented here with a contemporary T-shirt and sneakers, highlighting its versatility and timeless elegance. In fact, saris are being embraced by a whole new generation, one that is experimenting with style and drape and, recognizing the legacy of sustainability they exemplify, giving this classic garment a whole new look and relevance in today's fashion world.

Vintage studio photographs from the permanent collections are displayed on the wall behind the sari to show the variety of ways the sari has been worn and styled on different bodies from across South Asia.

See this beautiful installation on Level 1 for Free this summer during Free Main Floor.