
Viewing 381 - 390 of 2041 results

Storytelling: Art, Culture, Nature

Storytelling: Art, Culture, Nature

Guest blog by Environmental Visual Communication graduate Samantha Stephens Art, Culture, Nature. They may be separate words, but if we consider them separate disciplines, we are doing a disservice to the potential of human wisdom. Without nature, there is no culture. Without culture, there is no

Acquisitions et prêts

De concert avec les conservateurs et commissaires, le Service de l’enregistrement s’occupe des transactions d’objets, notamment les acquisitions et les prêts, les subventions accordées par la Commission canadienne d’examen des exportations de biens culturels et les demandes

Income Tax Reduction & Estate Tax Elimination

Join us for an exclusive virtual presentation ROM supporters are invited to attend an exclusive virtual presentation by financial expert Keith Thomson on how to save money while estate planning. You will learn: How to minimize or even eliminate taxes on your estate  How to change

Mystery of conical fossils solved, after 175 years

Mystery of conical fossils solved, after 175 years

My name is Joe Moysiuk, I am a 20-year-old undergraduate student at the University of Toronto enrolled in both the departments of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology and Earth Sciences. I am excited to announce that a research paper which I am lead author of, titled Hyoliths are Palaeozoic

The Book of Life

The Book of Life

By Dr. Victoria Arbour, ROM Postdoctoral Researcher   The history of life on Earth is a story told through the layers of the fossil record: new species evolve and others go extinct, and we see these changes in the fossils that palaeontologists excavate and then study in museums. Much like a book,

Archaeological Approaches to Ceramics

Archaeological Approaches to Ceramics

By Ashley MacLellan and Craig Cipolla Back in October, we posted the first in a series of blog entries dedicated to ROM curator, Craig Cipolla’s collaborative research project with Wyandot artists Richard Zane Smith and Catherine Tammaro entitled, “Remembering Ancient Pottery Traditions.” We

Après 175 ans, le mystère des fossiles de forme conique est résolu

Après 175 ans, le mystère des fossiles de forme conique est résolu

Je m’appelle Joe Moysiuk, j’ai 20 ans et je suis étudiant de premier cycle dans deux départements : écologie et biologie évolutive ainsi que sciences de la Terre. Je suis heureux d’annoncer que la revue Nature a publié un article de recherche intitulé Hyoliths are Palaeozoic

Sports et divertissements: a unique resource for researchers in design history

Sports et divertissements: a unique resource for researchers in design history

Post by Ketzia Sherman The ROM Library & Archives recently acquired a rare copy of Sports et divertissements, a musical score by Erik Satie with pochoir illustrations by Charles Martin, hand-coloured by Jules Saudé (Paris: Publications Lucien Vogel, [1923]). Sports et divertissements is a

Business Plans

As an agency of the Government of Ontario, the Royal Ontario Museum is required to follow the policies and procedures set out in the Agencies and Accountability Directive.  To meet this directive an annual business plan, approved by a Minister, is made publicly available on our website. Public

Travel and Hospitality Expenses

As an agency of the Government of Ontario, the Royal Ontario Museum is required to disclose Travel, Meal and Hospitality expenses for designated individuals as outlined for public viewing on our website as outlined in the  Travel, Meal and Hospitality Directive. The purpost of the directive is to