
Viewing 491 - 500 of 3093 results

Fashioning a Legacy at the ROM

Fashioning a Legacy at the ROM

Dr. Marian Fowler is a celebrated biographer renowned for her intimate portraits of individualistic women of style and substance. She herself collects vintage costume jewellery and has written about such fashion icons as Marlene Dietrich, Wallis Simpson, and Jackie Kennedy. Although she has many

David Krause & our FINAL Dinosaur Day!

Just like the non-avian dinosaurs, our Dino Days have come to an end. This Saturday December 8th, marks our last Dinosaur Day of the 2012 season. Majungasaurus  trying to take flight. #forevertrying It’s been a remarkable pleasure to bring world leading palaeontologists out of their work in the

Adventures at Big Fish River

This blog post was written by Dr. Kim Tait, Curator of Mineralogy at the ROM. As the new recipient of the YPC Research Fund, Kim has travelled to the northeastern corner of the Yukon—a remote region rich with minerals called Rapid Creek. Her work builds on the legacy of ROM research on phosphate

The Fruits of our Labour: ROM images in print

The Fruits of our Labour: ROM images in print

It’s always a nice treat to receive publications from clients that license our images. When a book comes in I check to see which page our image is reproduced on, mark the page and record publication details for our records.  Here is a handsome pile of books that include ROM images and will be

Komodo Dragon Preparation, Step Two: To the Bug Cave! I mean, Bug ROOM

Komodo Dragon Preparation, Step Two: To the Bug Cave! I mean, Bug ROOM

Viewer discretion advised. Images depict a Komodo Dragon being dissected as it is prepared for the ROM's collections. Our Komodo Dragon, the newest addition to the Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity is ready for the next stage in the process of becoming a museum specimen- the Bug

Gwen Harvey: An Advocate for World Cultures

Like many moms in Toronto, Gwen Harvey brought her children to the ROM to see the dinosaurs and experience the bat cave. But she also brought them to the Museum so they could learn about different cultures from a young age. “I wanted my children to have an understanding and appreciation for other

Archaeological Achievements of the ROM- 1914 to 2012

As the newest Rebanks Intern, I am excited to present the latest ROM Library display case, located on the main floor just in front of the Library and Archives. On display is a timeline depicting highlights of the ROM’s extensive work and achievements in the field of archaeology. The chronology

ROM for the Holidays: more than just family fun

As a kid, every year starting in early December I would pre-gloat daily to my younger sister about all the wonderful gifts I was doubtless going to receive from Santa. Each morning I would check my handwritten Christmas list on the fridge, hoping to spot a subtle indication--such as perhaps a tiny

How to enter

Send us the strangest, most bizarre, dinosaur you can imagine. Its features and appearance may come from your imagination, or from real life, or from something you’ve learned in the ROM’s Ultimate Dinosaurs exhibition, or all three. Give him or her some unusual characteristics and tell us how

My journey with Sir David Attenborough

My journey with Sir David Attenborough

For more information about the documentary, click here. For more information about the Burgess Shale click here, and for more information about the Gallery of Early Life and how you can help us, click here. THE JOURNEY Filming started October 1st 2009. Sir David Attenborough used a helicopter to