
Viewing 1461 - 1470 of 2088 results

Merci aux Forces armées canadiennes!

Merci aux Forces armées canadiennes!

  Il nous tient à cœur de remercier nos militaires et anciens combattants canadiens en reconnaissance de leurs sacrifices et de leur dévouement. From November 2 nd   to 17 th, Du 2 au 17 novembre, les militaires et vétérans canadiens bénéficient d’une entrée GRATUITE et d’un rabais de

Group Visits

Travel continents and centuries – in a day Bring your group to ROM for an adventure spanning epochs and oceans. Whether you’re a party of 5 or 500, we’ll make your trip special with group rates and exclusive add-ons.  Join the ROM Group Visits e-news list to get the latest info on featured

Taking an Interest

Taking an Interest

Sampa Bhadra and John Martin could not have discovered ROM at a more opportune time. At the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Museum’s online offerings provided a much-needed escape for the two retired physics professors and opened a new avenue of lifelong learning they could enjoy together,

Flemish Masterpiece: Amsterdam, Bruges and Beyond by Boat

SOLD OUT – Waiting List Available Trip Information Spring in the Low Countries – there is so much to see and experience that most people miss when only visiting Amsterdam for a few days. and the best way to enjoy all that the region has to offer is to do it slowly… savouring it by water. You

ROM After Dark: Halloween (Friday)

Remember the one house that always goes all-out? That's us.    ROM After Dark is the popular after-hours adult (19+) event series that features curated music, visual arts, performances, and distinctive food and drink. Who said you had to choose between trick or treat? Infusing nostalgic fun

Porter de l’intérêt

Porter de l’intérêt

Sampa Bhadra et John Martin n’auraient pas pu découvrir le ROM à un moment plus opportun. Au plus fort de la pandémie de COVID-19, les programmes virtuels du Musée ont permis aux deux professeurs de physique à la retraite de s’évader et ont ouvert une nouvelle voie d’apprentissage

Into the Northwest Passage

Trip Information Experience the Arctic like never before with ROMTravel and Adventure Canada. The Arctic is changing quickly. Travel with us and experience the Arctic of today. Sail through the famous Northwest Passage in a truly unique and exclusive expedition that incorporates immersive

Tarifs de groupe

Le ROM propose des activités de groupe à la carte, vous pouvez donc personnaliser votre événement selon les besoins de votre groupe et de votre budget. N’hésitez pas à   nous contacter, nous ferons tout notre possible pour donner vie à votre vision. RÉSERVEZ DÈS MAINTENANT Vous