
Viewing 111 - 120 of 1277 results

Druxy's ROM Café

  Druxy's Famous Deli is the operator of the ROM's cafeteria restaurant. In addition to the delicious sandwiches and salads that Druxy's has become famous for, Druxy's ROM Café has an expanded menu that includes burgers, pizzas and other grilled and hot foods.  The menu at

Voici les gagnants du concours du Photographe naturaliste du ROM 2023

Voici les gagnants du concours du Photographe naturaliste du ROM 2023

Inspiré par la prestigieuse exposition  Le photographe naturaliste de l’année, le concours Le photographe naturaliste de l’année du ROM 2023 s’est tenu pour une neuvième année de suite – et il était accompagné d’une remise de prix incroyable provenant de nos amis chez Henry’s!

ROM Style: Asian Inspired

ROM Style: Asian Inspired

Visit the ROM Boutique and bring home the treasures of a well-travelled collector Great interior designers have a long tradition of travelling far and wide in search of inspiration. They know that great designs can come from almost anywhere—art, fashion, fabric, and of course, furniture. Although

Hike the ROM: Dinos, Mammals & Birds

Free with admission.   A special Hike the ROM is available for a limited time. The Dinos, Mammals & Birds Trail Guide helps those who love dinosaurs find some favourites on display while OpenROM construction is underway.  During construction, certain galleries and regular routes through the

Les Causeries du ROM

Les Causeries du ROM

Vous êtes curieux ou curieuse à propos de l’art, la culture et la nature? Découvrez pourquoi ces sujets sont importants à l’intérieur et au-delà des murs du Musée. Les Causeries du ROM offrent des moments stimulants d’apprentissage avec des experts et des objets issus et inspirés des

ROM Research Colloquium: Dr. Peter Kaellgren

ROM Research Colloquium: Dr. Peter Kaellgren

Name: Peter Kaellgren   Title: Curator Emeritus, Department of World Cultures (Speciality European decorative arts from 1500 onwards)   On February 8th from 9:15am to 6:30pm ROM experts deliver fascinating 15-minute presentations on the latest research in the arts, archaeology and pure and

Planned Gift reflects couple’s passion for the ROM

Planned Gift reflects couple’s passion for the ROM

Blanche and Wes Mitchell shared many passions in their life together: the arts, learning, and travelling—but chief among them all was the Royal Ontario Museum. They loved the ROM so much they left a significant gift to the Museum in their wills—making them members of the Currelly Legacy Society

Espace création du ROM

Espace création du ROM, qui a débuté en septembre 2016, se veut être le carrefour d’apprentissage par excellence du ROM. Les élèves resserreront leurs liens avec les collections du Musée et la recherche qui y est effectuée en résolvant des problèmes à l’aide des technologies

Girl Guide Community Day at ROM

Girl Guide Community Day at ROM

Calling All Sparks, Embers, Guides, Pathfinders, and Rangers!  Get ready for an exciting day filled with engaging activities specially crafted for Girl Guides. From guided adventures to scavenger hunts and crafts, there's something for everyone. But that's not all!  You’ll earn a 

The Fruits of our Labour: ROM images in print

The Fruits of our Labour: ROM images in print

It’s always a nice treat to receive publications from clients that license our images. When a book comes in I check to see which page our image is reproduced on, mark the page and record publication details for our records.  Here is a handsome pile of books that include ROM images and will be