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Viewing 1481 - 1490 of 2059 results
Changement climatique
Un porte-parole pour donner de l'espoir en matière de changement climatique Au ROM, nous savons que des changements climatiques sont en cours. Nous en avons vu leurs effets dans les recherches sur le terrain et en laboratoire, dans les données d'études scientifiques, dans
Les Causeries du ROM
Vous êtes curieux ou curieuse à propos de l’art, la culture et la nature? Découvrez pourquoi ces sujets sont importants à l’intérieur et au-delà des murs du Musée. Les Causeries du ROM offrent des moments stimulants d’apprentissage avec des experts et des objets issus et inspirés des
Vera Kircheis- A Lifetime of Giving
Vera Kircheis with her late husband Albert Kircheis At 87, Vera Kircheis’ energy and vibrant laugh is infectious. The more time you spend with her, the more apparent her love for art, history and travel becomes. Vera’s appreciation for culture and unique objects started early; “My father was
ROM Entomologist Leaves An Intellectual Legacy
Glenn and Carol Wiggins’ estate furthers research in perpetuity From a young age, Glenn Wiggins (1927–2013) was fascinated by “the little things that run the world.”* His love of insects led to a distinguished career as ROM curator of entomology and decades of global fieldwork on
Un entomologue du ROM laisse son empreinte intellectuelle
La succession de Glenn et Carol Wiggins encouragera la recherche à perpétuité Depuis sa plus tendre enfance, Glenn Wiggins (1927-2013) a toujours été fasciné par « ces petites bestioles qui mènent le monde. »* Son amour des insectes lui a permis de connaître une brillante carrière en
Robert Ellsworth's Legacy in the Making
A Crowning Gift from the King of Ming A celebrated collector and benefactor of Asian art, Robert Ellsworth will forever advance new acquisitions and knowledge at the ROM through a $10.3-million bequest. Ellsworth was born in New York City at the onset of the Great Depression in 1929. His inspiring
Planting Seeds for the Future
Mikal Radford and Muriel Lalka will celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary in 2023, but their romance has been many more years in the making. “We’ve known each other since high school,” says Mikal. “We were really good friends but went in different directions after graduation.” It
Planned Gift reflects couple’s passion for the ROM
Blanche and Wes Mitchell shared many passions in their life together: the arts, learning, and travelling—but chief among them all was the Royal Ontario Museum. They loved the ROM so much they left a significant gift to the Museum in their wills—making them members of the Currelly Legacy Society
Lives and Legacies: Neil Cochrane
As a retired graphic designer, Neil Cochrane has a deep appreciation for good design. In fact, you could even say it’s in his blood. His family has been involved in design in one form or another—as gardeners, house decorators, and wallpaper printers—since the late 18th century. After
Legs de son vivant: Neil Cochrane
Graphiste à la retraite, Neil Cochrane apprécie pleinement le design de qualité. On pourrait même dire qu’il a ça dans le sang. Sa famille œuvre dans le secteur du design (jardinage paysagiste, décoration intérieure et impression de papier peint) depuis la fin du 18 e siècle. En 1970, il