
Viewing 191 - 200 of 3093 results

Gallery of Korea

Gallery of Korea

Where artistry meets technology.   The Koreans produced the earliest woodblock text, and invented the world's first metal movable type 200 years before Gutenberg's printing press. A legacy of artistry and technology influences almost every aspect of life in this diverse civilization. 

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Gallery of Byzantium

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Gallery of Byzantium

When Istanbul was Constantinople.  The dedication of Constantinople (now Istanbul) by the Emperor Constantine I in AD 330 began a new phase in the history of the Roman Empire. Power gradually shifted towards the eastern Mediterranean, and a new empire emerged. The people of this empire thought of

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Gallery of Rome and the Near East

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Gallery of Rome and the Near East

A growing empire.  The ancient Romans were relentless in expanding their empire, and the Near East was slowly conquered over a period of approximately 200 years. Petra, Palmyra, Judaea, and Seleucid Syria – all became part of the Roman empire during this period.  The treasures in this gallery

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Gallery of China

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum Gallery of China

One of the world's great civilizations.   China has witnessed thousands of years of continuous history encompassing well over twenty dynastic periods. Paper, tea, gunpowder, and porcelain are just a few of the significant contributions China has introduced to our world.    Ranked amongst

Reed Gallery of the Age of Mammals

Reed Gallery of the Age of Mammals

The rise of mammals following the great extinction of dinosaurs. After the extinction of the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago, other animals continued to develop and flourish. This was a time when Earth's continents continued to separate into their present-day positions and predecessors of

Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity

Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity

Life is Diverse. Life is Interconnected. Life is at Risk.  The Schad Gallery is our space to explore and display life on planet earth: life in the recent past, now and in the future.  Our extensive natural history collections – from “Bull” the Southern White Rhino to our live coral reef –

Daphne Cockwell Gallery dedicated to First Peoples art & culture

Daphne Cockwell Gallery dedicated to First Peoples art & culture

Collection Update The First Peoples Gallery opened in 2005 with input from Indigenous advisors. Since then, additional cultural specialists worked with the museum to update sections of the gallery. We are grateful to those who forged paths for more accurate representation of First Peoples. Over the



Where play meets learning. ROM welcomes families to a reimagined play-based learning space — a space that invites young children to experiment and connect with the Museum in a playful, interactive, and fun environment.  Just as children's experiences of the world around us change as they

Samuel European Galleries

Samuel European Galleries

The legacy of European style through the ages. From the Middle Ages to the 20th century, Europe witnessed agricultural, social, economic and industrial innovation that would change how Europeans lived, worked, and viewed with the world around them. Examine the influence these changes had through

Matthews Family Court of Chinese Sculpture

Matthews Family Court of Chinese Sculpture

 One of the ROM’s most inspiring spaces.   Sculptures and sculptural art held a significant role in all aspects of Chinese historical life, and the representation of religious deities was a critical component of Chinese religious culture.  Walk amidst statues that span over 1,500 years of