
Viewing 811 - 820 of 1655 results

Of Africa

Of Africa

Of Africa is a multiplatform and multiyear project aimed at rethinking historical and contemporary representations of Africa. About the Project Of Africa stems from an original idea of independent curators Julie Crooks and Dominique Fontaine. From 2013 to 2018, Crooks and Fontaine have been working


Projet multiplateforme et pluriannuel, L’Afrique remet en question les représentations historiques et contemporaines de l’Afrique. Le projet Le projet L’Afrique est une idée originale des commissaires indépendantes Julie Crooks et Dominique Fontaine. Depuis 2013, elles travaillent de

Le réseau d'accès communautaire (ROMCAN)

ROMCAN, le réseau d’accès communautaire du ROM fondé en 2008, représente l’engagement du ROM d’éliminer les obstacles financiers, sociaux et culturels pouvant limiter l’accès au Musée à diverses communautés. Le réseau ROMCAN s’appuie sur trois piliers d’inclusion sociale :

The Power of Storytelling

The Power of Storytelling

Tom Miller has always believed in the power and purpose of storytelling – for entertainment, for education, for preserving culture, and for instilling moral values. For bringing people together. Tom moved to Canada in 1969 to become an arts teacher, and his career has been dedicated to telling

Entrée gratuite au rez-de-chaussée

L’entrée gratuite au rez-de-chaussée du ROM est de retour cet été Du 2 juillet au 4 septembre 2023 Tous les jours de la semaine sans aucune réservation. Fort de son énorme succès de l'été 2022, l’entrée gratuite au rez-de-chaussé du ROM est de retour à compter du 2 juillet avec

In Memory or Celebration

Giving in Memory or in Celebration Brighten someone’s day, celebrate a special occasion or honour a loved one by making a donation to the Royal Ontario Museum in their name. Your meaningful gift will be accompanied by a ROM e-card featuring objects from the Museum’s encyclopedic collections.

Charitable Gift Annuity

The gift that gives back. A charitable gift annuity allows our more senior donors to make an immediate donation of a capital sum to ROM, in return for regular payments at a specified rate for life. The amount of income paid to the annuitant (donor) and the portion that is tax-free depends on the

Ford and Peroni Engage Millennials at FNL

Ford and Peroni Engage Millennials at FNL

Launched in 2012, Friday Night Live (FNL) has grown to become Toronto’s most unique social destination. Each week, thousands of millennials take over Canada’s world museum to enjoy curated, cutting-edge ROM content and eclectic eats, drinks, DJs, dancing, and live music. The ROM is proud to

#ThrowbackThursday: Finishing Touches

In September, 1971, the ROM opened the landmark exhibition  Keep Me Warm One Night, a kaleidoscopic display of over 500 pieces of Canadian handweaving. It was the culmination of decades of pioneering research and collecting by the ROM curatorial powerhouse duo 'Burnham and Burnham’, aka

E. J. Crossman Endowment Fund

The E. J. Crossman Endowment Fund honours the memory of Dr. Edwin J. Crossman who was Curator of Ichthyology at the Royal Ontario Museum between 1957 and 1995. Fondly known as E.J., he conducted research on the freshwater fishes of Canada with emphasis on Ontario fishes and the pike family in