Inspiring Stories

As Presenting Sponsor of The Forbidden City, The Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation continues its dedication to promoting Chinese arts and culture and advancing cross-cultural understanding between China and the world.

The ROM was pleased to host Barrick Gold Corporation employees and their families on Sunday, February 23, 2014. This special day celebrated the recent opening of the new Barrick Gold Corporation Gallery.

James and Louise Temerty standing in front of a dinosaur at the Royal Ontario Museum.

It’s not everyday a new dinosaur species is discovered, and it’s even more exciting when it is named in honour of long-time ROM supporters. Dr. David Evans and a team of scientists have named a small, meat-eating dinosaur (‘raptor’) based on newly unearthed fossils from Montana, USA.

Dr. Maureen Trudeau and her family first discovered the Burgess Shale while wandering the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta

Dr. Maureen Trudeau and her family tell us about hiking up an ancient fossil bed, holding 500-million-year old fossils in their hands, and their generous support of the ROM's future Dawn of Life on Earth Gallery. 

family photo of June Perry

Like most young people, June found it easy to put off thinking about will and estate planning with her demanding schedule. This amazing young mother talks about her decision to include the ROM in her will. 

ROM Trustee Mohammad Al Zaibak (centre)

“This exhibition illustrates the incredible developments of an ancient world, revealing how it is still timely and relevant to our modern-day lives,” says Mohammad Al Zaibak.

Tony Hayes, Vice President of Sales and Marketing at RSA, at the Patrons Preview

Leading home, auto and business insurer RSA Insurance is partnering with the ROM to present Mesopotamia: Inventing Our Worldthe ROM’s summer blockbuster exhibition.

Chairs’ Reception, hosted by Won J. Kim, Chairman of the ROM Board of Trustees and Robert E. Pierce, Chairman of the ROM Board of Governors.

Hundreds of ROM supporters gathered at the Museum on May 8, 2013 for the annual Chairs’ Reception, which celebrates philanthropy at the Museum.

Alf Wirth

ROM Governor Alf Wirth has visited hundreds of museums. We caught up with him in the Wirth Gallery of the Middle East—one of many ROM initiatives he has generously supported.

“Coming to the ROM was the best part of my childhood,” says Tom Hilditch. Like many kids in Ontario, he was a member of the Saturday Morning Club for years.