The Art of Creating a Legacy

As a DMV member for over 35 years, Josephine Breyfogle was always willing to take on new challenges—challenges to help advance the Museum’s mission and impact in the community. Thanks to a thoughtful gift in her estate, she will continue to do that for many years to come.

Before she passed away in 2019, Josephine—or Jo to her friends—named ROM as a residual beneficiary in her will, which allowed her to provide for her family first, and then with the remainder of the estate, make a significant gift to her beloved Museum. Her bequest was directed to the DMV Endowment Fund, which enables individual members to contribute to ROM, with the DMV Board directing the strategic focus of the fund each year.

Joining the DMV in 1983, Jo served on almost every committee, including Docents, Awards, ROMWalks, and Discovery Gallery and was involved in many projects and exhibitions. In 1990, she founded and served as the first Chair of the Gallery Interpreters Group.

With such broad experience under her belt, Jo was well equipped to become the first DMV Vice-President in 1988 before serving as President. She also served for six years on the ROM Board of Trustees, during which time she was appointed Deputy Chair in 1996 and Acting Chair in 1997. She continued to serve as an Honorary Trustee until 2019.

Including ROM as a beneficiary in your estate is easy to set up and leaves a lasting impact. You can direct your bequest to an area of personal interest, establish a named fund or, like Jo and many other DMV members, support the DMV Endowment Fund.

"When you contribute to the DMV Endowment Fund—whether in your lifetime or through a planned gift—you are leaving an enduring legacy that will sustain the vitality of ROM for generations to come," says Nita Reed, a long-time DMV member and generous supporter.

Donors who make a planned gift to the Museum automatically join the Currelly Legacy Society, gaining access to exclusive lectures, private tours and behind-the-scenes events.

ROM is deeply grateful for Jo’s many years of dedicated service and generous support. Through her contributions, she truly embodies the belief that we live on in what we leave behind.

Gifts of any size are appreciated and strengthen ROM’s future. To learn more about the various ways you can leave a legacy at the Museum, please contact Janice Correa at