Inspiring Stories

ROM is deeply saddened by the recent passing of Hyacinth Gloria Chen. Ms. Chen was a truly incredible woman who leaves behind a tremendous legacy, both as successful businesswoman and a dedicated mother and grandmother who instilled the greatest values and principles in her family. 

Doug Gibson

Doug Gibson has loved ROM since childhood. Some of his earliest memories are of going to the Museum with his mother in the early 1950s, which sparked a lifelong fascination with natural history. “Back then, they had a crystal cave in the geology gallery,” he recalls. “When you looked into it, it was like an optical illusion.”

One ROM curator can touch thousands of lives through the collections they develop, the exhibitions they curate, the students they mentor, the courses they teach, and through their own path-changing research and collaborations.

On November 14, 2018, the ROM proudly announced that Toronto philanthropists Jeff Willner and Stacey Madge generously committed $5 million for the future Willner Madge Gallery, Dawn of Life. 

The School Visits Bursary Program puts learning into children’s hands, inviting them to handle real objects and artifacts, and to engage with passionate experts.