
Résultats 2191 à 2200 sur 3091

Foreign Cultural Objects Immunity From Seizure for Fantastic Beasts: The Wonder of Nature exhibition. June 11, 2022 to January 2, 2023

Item Number Exhibit Description Exhibit type W (mm) D (mm) H (mm) Weight (kg) FB002.1 Siberian Unicorn/Elasmotherium  Resin cast 970 480 1940 TBC FB004.1 Narwhal tusk (replica) Replica tusk 2490 80 1830 TBC FB009 Jenny Haniver (dried guitar fish) Dried fish 155 500 45 TBC FB010.1 Indian python

La Journée de la Terre 2022

Profitez d’une journée d’activités en famille le samedi 23 avril. Gratuit avec un billet d’entrée au ROM. Programme des activités de la Journée de la Terre Samedi 23 avril, à moins d’indications contraires Défi nature urbaine : Découvrez la faune de Toronto et participez au

A Gift That Lasts Forever

A Gift That Lasts Forever

The late Harold Robert Stankaitis was always strong in his conviction that ROM is a cultural haven that will be around forever to inspire the next generation. Thanks to a generous gift-in-kind from his estate, his vision will come true. Harold was a lifelong avid art collector with a special

An Enriching Relationship

An Enriching Relationship

In the Canadian multicultural mosaic, Jayshree Khimasia sees ROM as a vital institution. The Museum has brought her closer to her own South Asian identity and nourished her lifelong passion for textiles and global fashion. And that’s why she has chosen to entrust part of her legacy to the

Joseph Tanenbaum: 1932-2022

Joseph Tanenbaum: 1932-2022

The ROM community is deeply saddened by the death of Joseph Tanenbaum, our dear friend, one of Canada’s leading and most civic-minded philanthropists. Joey served ROM with inspiring commitment and passion over three decades, as an engaged volunteer and superb donor supporting the growth and

A collector's gift for future generations

A collector's gift for future generations

For Philip Cheong, collecting is an intergenerational affair. With his father and maternal grandfather both avid collectors, he notes his formative years surrounded by carefully curated objects as a lasting influence in building his own treasured holdings. His first serious acquisition—a