
Résultats 1491 à 1500 sur 2151



Have you ever been so moved, fascinated, or impressed by an object, specimen, or work of art, that you wish you could talk about it with others? Conversations are informal gatherings at ROM that invite you to engage with other individuals on topics of interest. Relax with coffee and cookies as you

James and Louise Temerty Galleries of the Age of Dinosaurs

James and Louise Temerty Galleries of the Age of Dinosaurs

When dinosaurs roamed the Earth. Stand in the shadow of mighty T. rex … or underneath Gordo, the enormous Barosaurus … or beside our famous hadrosaur Parasaurolophus. No matter what the first stop on your dinosaur journey will be, you'll enter a gallery showcasing one of the world's

Currelly Legacy Society

In recognition of those who have made a future gift commitment to benefit the Museum, ROM invites legacy donors to become members of the Charles Trick & Ada Mary Currelly Legacy Society. Named after the first director of the Royal Ontario Museum of Archaeology and his wife, the Currelly Legacy

La Société Currelly

En reconnaissance de vos promesses de dons, nous vous invitons à devenir membres de la Société Charles Trick et Ada Mary Currelly. Nommée d’après le premier directeur du Musée royal de l’Ontario et sa femme, la Société Currelly propose des conférences et des dîners avec les

Événements spéciaux

Des événements spectaculaires au ROM Les activités de financement du Musée royal de l’Ontario sont mémorables. Ces soirées constituent une merveilleuse façon de soutenir le ROM, que vous en donniez une, en parrainiez une ou soyez simplement l’un des invités. Les Gouverneurs du ROM

In Memory or Celebration

Giving in Memory or in Celebration Brighten someone’s day, celebrate a special occasion or honour a loved one by making a donation to the Royal Ontario Museum in their name. Your meaningful gift will be accompanied by a ROM e-card featuring objects from the Museum’s encyclopedic collections.

À la mémoire ou en l’honneur de…

Un don à la mémoire ou en l’honneur de… Pour égayer le quotidien de quelqu’un, célébrer une occasion spéciale ou honorer un être cher, faites un don au Musée royal de l’Ontario au nom de cette personne. Ce geste significatif de votre part sera accompagné d’une carte électronique

Bishop White Committee: Friends of East Asia

The Bishop White Committee, founded in 1960, is a group of people who have a special interest in learning about and supporting the activities of the East Asia Section – China, Japan and Korea. To promote learning about China, Japan and Korea, we: Publish twice-yearly newsletters  of wide-ranging

Urban Capers Scavenger Hunt at ROM (July 20)

Urban Capers Scavenger Hunt at ROM (July 20)

Saturday, July 20  2 pm to 4:30 pm Are you ready for a ROM adventure? Join our friends at Urban Capers Scavenger Hunts to explore the museum in a whole new way! To earn points your team will gather clues, answer tricky questions, and complete creative photo and video challenges-all before the