¡Viva México! Clothing & Culture continues its celebration of the ROM’s Mexican textiles collection
Press Release
Publication of stunning companion book coincides with return visit of exhibition guest curator Chloë Sayer accompanied by two talented artists from Mexico
UK-based Chloë Sayer, the exhibition’s guest curator and ROM Research Associate in Textiles, has spent many years studying textile traditions in Mexico. On her return to the Museum in October, she is accompanied by two Mexican artists. Arturo Estrada Hernández, whose magnificent rebozo is displayed in the exhibition, is an award-winning master dyer and weaver from Santa María del Río in the state of San Luis Potosí. Visitors will be engaged by his demonstrations of weaving on a back-strap loom. Internationally-exhibited paper artist Sergio Hernández Martinez created the colourful banners greeting visitors in the entrance of ¡Viva México! and he will demonstrate his skills during his time at the ROM. In honour of Mexico’s Days of the Dead (All Saints and All Souls), celebrated on November 1 and 2, Chloë and Sergio will decorate a magnificent altar for the souls of the departed.
Artists’ Schedule:
ROM Big Weekend on October 17 & 18: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 to 4:00 pm
Daily demonstrations: October 19 to 30: 11:00 am to 1:00 pm and 2:00 to 4:00 pm
Friday Night Live: October 23 and October 30: 8:00 to 10:30 pm
All artist demonstrations take place in Roloff Beny Gallery on Level 4 in the Michael Lee-Chin Crystal.
Companion book Mexico: Clothing & Culture is authored by Chloë Sayer, with contributions by exhibition co-curator Dr. Alexandra Palmer, the ROM’s Nora E. Vaughan Fashion Costume Senior Curator. The book offers an informative introduction to the significant field of cultural textiles. Using the Museum’s extensive collections, the full-colour publication tells the fascinating story of Mexican textiles and explores the evolution of male and female dress, as well as the vast range of techniques used by spinners, dyers, weavers, and embroiderers. Published by the ROM with the generous support of the Louise Hawley Stone Charitable Trust, Mexico: Clothing & Culture is on sale for $39.99 in the ROM Boutique on the Museum’s Level 1. Chloë will sign copies of the publication at its official book launch following her October 30th talk that addresses Mexico’s country-wide commemoration of “Day of the Dead”. The lecture makes clear that death is seen as a part of life and souls are welcomed with lavish offerings. Significantly, festivities are a focus for elaborate arts and crafts. Days of the Dead are not a sombre occasion, but a time of feasting and reunion. The lecture is free with advanced RSVP. Later that same evening, an inspired installment of #FNLROM continues on the “Day of the Dead” theme.
¡Viva México! Clothing & Culture is included with ROM general admission.
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