Royal Ontario Museum Blog

Monthly Archive: December cont

Curiosity Makes Tracks on Mars

Posted: September 13, 2012 - 10:44 , by royal
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Posting by Brendt Hyde, Mineralogy Techncian

Pronghorns and Prickly Pears and Bison…oh my! Thoughts on Grasslands National Park

Posted: September 11, 2012 - 17:48 , by Nicole Richards

Submitted by Alexander Muth, winner of the Find the Baby Bison Contest

Alexander loving the view from the top of 70 mile Butte

We’re back.  We all had a great trip out west. It’s hard to pick out highlights, as it all seems like highlights to me.

Facebook Features A Fishy Story!

Posted: September 11, 2012 - 10:30 , by ROM
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When ROM Ichthyologist Dr. Hernan Lopez-Fernandez was unable to attend a 2011 expedition to the Cuyuni River in Guyana, he found other creative ways to collaborate with fellow scientists. Dr. Lopez-Fernandez enabled Devin Bloom, a U of T graduate student with extensive experience in Guyana through previous joint expeditions, to attend in his place and share the specimen collections and tissue samples with the ROM.

School, Dinosaurs, and the ROM Schooling about Dinosaurs.

Posted: September 7, 2012 - 09:29 , by Kiron Mukherjee

School, Dinosaurs, and the ROM Schooling about Dinosaurs.

School, Dinosaurs, & the ROM Schooling about Dinosaurs. OR The Reason why Kiron Dreaded the First Day of School.

Go West Young Man, and take a ROM Employee with you

Posted: September 6, 2012 - 10:47 , by Nicole Richards

I’ve just come back from Grasslands National Park with the Grand Prize Winner of the Find the Baby Bison contest, Alexander Muth. I’m the lucky ROM employee chosen to accompany him and his family on the trip (actually no luck involved at all, it was an arm wrestling competition and I’m stronger than I look).

Dr. Catherine Forster: Dinosaur Hunter

Posted: September 5, 2012 - 12:58 , by royal

Meet Catherine Forester, the first speaker in our Dinosaur Hunter SpeakerSeries.

If you thought all dinosaur hunters were men, you’d be wrong. Our first palaeontologist in the Dinosaur Hunters Speaker Series, which starts this Sunday September 9, is Dr. Catherine Forster. She has toughed it out in some of the harshest climates and conditions in the world making significant discoveries in China, Madagascar, and South Africa.

Fantastic Folding Fan Leaf

Posted: August 31, 2012 - 10:32 , by royal

By Ka Bo Tsang, ROM Assistant Curator, Chinese Pictorial Arts

Overview image of fan.

Wu Huizhang wrote Tang-dynasty poems onto this folding fan, showing exceptional levels of concentration, writing skill, and compositional skill.

eTalk visits the ROM!

Posted: August 30, 2012 - 11:40 , by royal
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Posting by Danielle Megaffin, Intern with the ROM's communications department

The stars of the Canadian entertainment news show eTalk recently shot a promo segment onsite at the ROM.

Ben Mulroney, Tanya Kim, Traci Melchor, Danielle McGimsie, Lainey Lui, and Jessi Cruickshank spent a day in the ROM’s Thorsell Spirit House to film promos for TIFF. ROM visitors were delighted to catch glimpses of the stars as they toured throughout the Museum.

Digging Through the Vaults: Rediscovery and Rehabilitation

Posted: August 30, 2012 - 08:55 , by royal
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Front face of ring displaying engraving in purple stone.

Collector's ring with a large convex amethyst gem engraved with an image of Nike. Height: 2.2 cm Accession number: 925.83.6

Meet the Ultimate Dino Team: Georgia Guenther

Posted: August 28, 2012 - 17:45 , by royal

It’s one of the most interesting jobs at the ROM – the museum artist. Working in a studio soaked in natural light, Georgia Guenther creates replicas of objects in the collection and other artistic displays you may see inside the galleries. She works closely with curators to ensure her creations are both scientifically accurate and realistic.

We stopped by the studio to ask Georgia a few questions about her role at the ROM.