Royal Ontario Museum Blog

Monthly Archive: December cont

From the Field: Southern Alberta Dinosaur Project 2011

Posted: July 5, 2011 - 14:58 , by royal

We are back again in southern Alberta, to continue our palaeontological survey and excavation of the Milk River region and adjacent areas. This blog will document how this field season progresses, and will report on any new and exciting dinosaur discoveries from the field!

June 28, 2011: Home Sweet Home

From the Field: The Tell Madaba Archaeological Project…progress!

Posted: July 4, 2011 - 09:04 , by royal

By Daniel Kwan, Gallery Facillitator and Volunteer

After their first weekend off, the students have returned recharged and ready to dig! Despite the many bruises and sores that I sustained from my hiking trips, I felt more motivated than ever! Due to the progress that we had made in the previous week, precautions had to be made to ensure that the students (and myself) could enter our excavation safely. We have a fantastic group of local Jordanian workers who assist us, many of them have worked with with me during my previous excavation last summer.

From the Field: The Tell Madaba Archaeological Project… Weekend Off!

Posted: July 2, 2011 - 20:00 , by royal

By Daniel Kwan, Gallery Facilitator and Volunteer

The Mammals Strike Back!

Posted: June 30, 2011 - 13:47 , by royal

After our recent post about mouse-eating frogs, Burton Lim of the mammalogy department, one of the ROM’s bat experts, decided to fight back for the mammals. Behold Trachops cirrhosus, the frog-eating bat!

From the Field: The Tell Madaba Archaeological Project… Week 2

Posted: June 27, 2011 - 12:17 , by royal

By Daniel Kwan, Gallery Facilitator and Volunteer

ROMWalks: Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you!

Posted: June 24, 2011 - 17:06 , by royal
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Every time you turn a corner in Toronto, you discover another venerable stone building resplendent with arches, turrets, gables, or statues perched in a niche. Some are nestled between the encroaching skyscrapers of the banking district, others sit proudly on their original estate. The heritage houses, churches, government and university buildings, even the industrial areas, are still brimming with rich history – all have fascinating stories to tell of life in Toronto’s past.

Five Questions with Krishna

Posted: June 23, 2011 - 15:14 , by ROM

Submitted by Netta Kornberg, Intern with the Institute for Contemporary Culture.

From the Field: The Tell Madaba Archaeological Project…Week 1

Posted: June 23, 2011 - 08:56 , by royal

By Daniel Kwan, Gallery Facillitator and Volunteer

At the precise moment that this blog posts is being written, I am sitting in the comfort of the locally run Ayola Cafe in the city of Madaba, Jordan. You’re probably wondering why I am writing this blog post from Jordan. The answer is simple, I’m an archaeologist!

I think I have bedbugs, what should I do?

Posted: June 20, 2011 - 14:02 , by ROM
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In the months ahead, we will look at some of the critters that share our spaces. We hope you will discover how to identify some of the insects and other arthropods that share your home and better understand these amazing creatures. The first bug we will examine are bed bugs (Cimex lectularius).

Due to the increase of bed bugs in Toronto over the past 10 years, ROM Entomology often receives questions from the public about these pests. However, please note that there are many types of insects found in homes and most of them are not bed bugs!

Two thumbs up to outstanding documentaries!

Posted: June 17, 2011 - 14:30 , by royal

Can’t make it to the ROM? Make some popcorn, pick up one of these award-winning documentaries related to our current exhibitions and upcoming programs, and have a movie date with the ROM in your own livingroom!

Touched by Water, a documentary by Tamás Wormser, examines bathing rituals and our relationship with water worldwide. It was screened at the ROM this week as part of the day-long Sacred Waters Forum.