
Viewing 1081 - 1090 of 3093 results

Blue Whale Update: A Whole Lotta Heart

Blue Whale Update: A Whole Lotta Heart

Guest Blog written by 2015 Environmental Visual Communication student Sam Rose Phillips I smelt it before I saw it. Following my nose to what can only be oddly described as the smell of farm mixed with wet dog food, all was confirmed when the stench lead to a Jacuzzi-sized stainless steel tank.

Remembering Mr. Francesco Grosso

Remembering Mr. Francesco Grosso

Many staff, volunteers, and visitors may remember Mr. Francesco Grosso, who was part of ROM life for 45 years as he entertained and captivated young and older audiences at our Queen's Park entrance with his travelling push-cart filled with treasures and treats. Visitors and staff, and

Ford and Peroni Engage Millennials at FNL

Ford and Peroni Engage Millennials at FNL

Launched in 2012, Friday Night Live (FNL) has grown to become Toronto’s most unique social destination. Each week, thousands of millennials take over Canada’s world museum to enjoy curated, cutting-edge ROM content and eclectic eats, drinks, DJs, dancing, and live music. The ROM is proud to

Friends of the ROM

Friends of the ROM

For more than five decades, ROM Friends groups have brought people together to engage with their passions, making a meaningful impact on the Museum and inspiring its community of supporters.   By making a small annual donation, you can become a part of Friends of the Canadian Collections, The

Hopping Their Way to Your Heart

Hopping Their Way to Your Heart

Guest Blog written by 2015 Environmental Visual Communication student Lian Jong Lizards and snakes and frogs oh my! These groups are a part of a broader scale of animals called amphibians and reptiles and the scientists who study them are called herpetologists. The Royal Ontario Museum is home to

#emptyROM- bora.vs.bora

#emptyROM- bora.vs.bora

Back on August 19th we hosted our first #emptyROM tour and are still recieving photos from our guests. Today, I'd like to share four photos with you by our friend Bora. Bora has been featured in HuffPost  and is a well known Toronto photographer featured in  a multi-disciplinary art show at

#emptyROM- @stilez

Our last set of #emptyROM photos are IN! @stilez  on Twitter and Instagram  is a well known Toronto photgrapher and we love it every time he comes to shoot the ROM. Below are a few photos he shared with us from our first #emptyROM tour on August 19th.  Great photos, thanks @stilez! Stay tuned

Museum Monday with Melissa- October 6

Museum Monday with Melissa- October 6

Hope everyone had an amazing weekend.  With FNLROM starting off the season and Nuit Blanche! One of the exciting upcoming events is Masters of Dreams: The French and Swiss Jewellers.  It is taking place  Tuesday, October 6, 2015 from  7:00pm- 9:30pm. You can explore the world of of

The Ongoing Mystery of the Franklin Expedition

The Ongoing Mystery of the Franklin Expedition

Guest Blog written by 2015 Environmental Visual Communication student Jeff Dickie With an excavation recently completed this summer, the mystery of the Franklin Expedition continues... sitting quiet and still in her watery grave, what secrets will HMS Erebus finally give up about her ill-fated

The ROM's Very Own Batman Returns

The ROM's Very Own Batman Returns

Blog by the ROM Sri Lanka Communications Team, Deirdre Leowinata and Vincent Luk After every trip, there’s a period of time that passes before everything sinks in. For our #ROMSriLanka team, after a whirlwind of non-stop surveying, the events of the expedition are finally catching up to us.