
Viewing 261 - 270 of 3072 results

Learn more about the Cambodian atrocities

Learn more about this dreadful chapter in human history through the organizations and projects listed below. Documentation Center of Cambodia Tuol Sleng Museum of Genocide DC-Cam Khmer Rouge Archives Yale University program on the Cambodian Genocide The Digital Archive of Cambodian Genocide

Survivor testimonies

Survivor testimonies from Cambodians living in Canada As part of the ROM's journey to provide a full context for the Khmer Rouge period, local filmmaker Leib Kopman invited four Cambodians currently living in Ontario to share their stories. Videos and transcripts will be available on this site

Learn more about the trials

Trials for leaders of the notorious Khmer Rouge are now underway in Cambodia, and are co-led by both the Cambodian Government and the United Nations. See below for more information. Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia Cambodia Tribunal Monitor Genocide Watch

Human rights organizations

We hope the Observance and Memorial  exhibition will compel visitors to take a more active role in genocide prevention, and to support those living around the globe who are impacted by wars past and present. The organizations listed below, both Canadian and international, can give you some ideas

Mosaic Ceiling – Rotunda

The Rotunda, dedicated in honour of Ernest and Elizabeth Samuel, is the Museum’s ceremonial entrance hall. It features one of the Museum’s most magnificent architectural treasures—a spectacular mosaic dome that has fascinated generations of staff and visitors. Charles T. Currelly, the first


Many people have helped to build and shape the Royal Ontario Museum. Among them, are memorable philanthropists, donors, volunteers, directors and curators. They have committed their time and financial resources to expanding the original vision of a provincial museum in Toronto to one with an

Iconic: The Paradise of Maitreya

Iconic: The Paradise of Maitreya

This wall painting installed in the Bishop White Gallery of Chinese Temple Art forms the centrepiece of one of the world's most important collections of Chinese temple art. Learn about this iconic object, one of the best-preserved examples of its kind, and why it is a must-see treasure of the

Michael Lee-Chin Crystal

Name Inspired by the ROM's unique mandate- to build bridges of understanding and appreciation for the world's diverse cultures and precious natural environments- Michael Lee-Chin's extraordinary $30 million gift to the ROM is an act of both gratitude and hope: gratitude to this

Charles T. Currelly

Charles Trick Currelly, more than anyone else, created the art and archaeology collections of the ROM. Currelly was born at Exeter, Ontario in 1876. Although trained as a Methodist minister, following his graduation from the University of Toronto, he devoted himself to archaeological work, first in