
Viewing 401 - 410 of 3093 results

Did End-of-World Prophesiers have too much Time on their Hands?

Submitted by Conrad Biernacki, ROM Programs Manager  Last Friday, a keen and curious crowd of 75 people attended the ROM’s monthly Connecting: Mix Mingle Think event for a talk by the Museum’s ancient world expert Gayle Gibson called The Long Goodbye: Apocalypse 2012? Six facts you may not

Notes from Oman: Part 3

Dr. Sarah Fee, Associate Curator, Eastern Hemisphere Textiles & Costumes, is the first-ever recipient of the YPC Research Fund. This November 2011, YPC supported Sarah’s trip to Oman to research ancient forms of pitloom weaving and the trade routes of the Muscat cloth, which will inform part

Old Collection, New Research

Dr. Chen Shen, Vice President, Senior Curator, Bishop White Chair of East Asian Archaeology at the ROM gives a preview of his presentation, Peking Man Revisited: A Who’s Who of Human Evolution at the upcoming ROM Research Colloquium this Friday, February 3 in the Signy and Cléophée Eaton

Battling over Healthcare

Submitted by Conrad Biernacki, ROM Programs Manager  This past Wednesday evening, there was a battle in the main gallery at the Royal Ontario Museum. On one side of the stage was Michael Bliss who argued for the debate resolution that Tommy Douglas put Canada’s healthcare on the wrong path, and

Ushering in the year of the dragon in the Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity

A sneak peak at our new komodo dragon before the work begins With the start of the Chinese New Year, all thoughts are on dragons – the presiding animal zodiac for this lunar year. Unlike many European mythologies where dragons are menacing villains, the dragon zodiac represents wealth, prosperity

Will the World Ever End?

Submitted by Conrad Biernacki, ROM Programs Manager  A few weeks ago, Stephen Hawking’s advice to humankind—his gift to us on his 70 th birthday—was a very serious request that we must colonize other planets as soon as possible. Does he know something we don’t? He’s hoping, of course,

Taking care of meteorites

Brendt C. Hyde, Mineralogy Technician will be presenting at the upcoming  ROM Research Colloquium – join us on February 3 at 4:30pm in the Signy & Cléophée Eaton Theatre to hear more about The Study of Meteorites – Science versus Conservation. What are you going to talk about at the

Canada is like an Old Cow

Submitted by Conrad Biernacki, ROM Programs Manager Tommy Douglas once said, “Canada is like an old cow. The West feeds it. Ontario and Quebec milk it. And you can well imagine what it’s doing in the Maritimes.” This vivid imagery has got to inspire you to find out more about this famous

Mobile Interpretation in Museums

Learn about the latest research and discoveries happening at the ROM and mark your calendars for the 33rd annual ROM Research Colloquium coming up on February 3, 2012. Ryan Dodge is the Acquisitions Technician in the Library as well an active member of the ROM’s Social Media team. Here, he tells

Russian Space Probe will Crash to Earth this Week!

Contributed by Brendt C. Hyde and Ian Nicklin. The Russian space probe Phobos-Grunt was all set to journey to a moon of Mars called Phobos. It was going to collect samples from the moon and return them to Earth. Unfortunately, the mission ended before it could even begin. The probe was launched in