
Viewing 181 - 190 of 2152 results

Archaeological Achievements of the ROM- 1914 to 2012

As the newest Rebanks Intern, I am excited to present the latest ROM Library display case, located on the main floor just in front of the Library and Archives. On display is a timeline depicting highlights of the ROM’s extensive work and achievements in the field of archaeology. The chronology

ROM Research Colloquium: Dr. Peter Kaellgren

ROM Research Colloquium: Dr. Peter Kaellgren

Name: Peter Kaellgren   Title: Curator Emeritus, Department of World Cultures (Speciality European decorative arts from 1500 onwards)   On February 8th from 9:15am to 6:30pm ROM experts deliver fascinating 15-minute presentations on the latest research in the arts, archaeology and pure and

Opening the Dior

Opening the Dior

Dr. Alexandra Palmer, Senior Curator, Nora E. Vaughan Fashion Costume Curatorship opens a package from Dior.  Inside is a stunning couture dress commissioned by the ROM. See it on view for a limited time in BIG until Fall 2013.

James Menzies Chinese Research Fellowship

James Menzies Chinese Research Fellowship

The James Menzies Chinese Research Fellowship was established in 2009 to promote scholarly research as it relates to the Royal Ontario Museum's Chinese collection, with particular emphasis on the ROM's Menzies collection. The Fellowship is open to Ph.D. candidates, both junior and senior

Travels in India, part 1

Travels in India, part 1

Ahmedabad, India Traffic here is like a pinball machine, a crazy game of chicken, where you try not to hit anything, especially the cattle. After a day of relative inactivity, spent recovering from jetlag, I found myself bouncing around in the back of an autorickshaw, hurtling through a crazy quilt

LEGO Maya Pyramid building for ROM March Break

 Fifty years ago, a tinny, lurching propeller plane circled above the tropical plain of Belize about 10 kilometres in from the Caribbean coastline. Below, amid a dark patch of forest, tiny slivers of chalky, exposed limestone peeked through the canopy. For the co-pilot that day, a young ROM

ROM Social Media

The Royal Ontario Museum is committed to providing an open forum to discuss and debate issues that range from natural history to world cultures. You can add comments on our website and you are encouraged to engage with us on our social media platforms listed below. The purpose of online

Travels in India, part 2

Travels in India, part 2

Senior Preparator, Bob Walsh was asked to give a talk on his specialty, exhibit lighting design, by the National Institute of Design (NID) in Ahmedabad, India. Bob has been there for over a week now and here is his second post from India. I thought it would be useful to describe

Travels in India, part 3

Travels in India, part 3

In the Old City of Ahmedabad Getting up in the early hours before dawn, I made my way to the Swaminaryan Temple, deep in the Old City.  A beautifully colourful Hindu temple, it was to be the start of my exploration of the most fascinating part of Ahmedabad.  As I wandered through narrow streets,