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Viewing 341 - 350 of 413 results

Marla Mossman and her Peace Caravan Journey along the Silk Road: Afghanistan

On a recent trip to New York City, ICC Managing Director Francisco Alvarez met with artist Marla Mossman. While gallery hopping and deep conversations over sushi, Marla shared the details of her very intriguing current art project.  Avidly interested in promoting arts and education, Marla began

Lava Medals

Lava Medals

A while back, I stopped in to the Earth Sciences Dept to look at some meteorites which needed to be photographed. While I was there, I noticed some very odd looking medallions sitting in a box on the counter. These were not the smooth precious metal medallions we see on a fairly regular basis. They

Erasing Mankind’s Heritage: the Monuments of Palmyra and their Devastation

Erasing Mankind’s Heritage: the Monuments of Palmyra and their Devastation

Dr. Clemens Reichel speaks at the San Antonio Museum of Art about the impact that the current conflicts in Syria and Iraq have had on cultural heritage sites and museums zones and what their loss would mean to all of humanity. While focusing on the intentional destruction of temples, monuments and

Habelia, un prédateur de la préhistoire avec une « tête multifonction »

Habelia, un prédateur de la préhistoire avec une « tête multifonction »

Cédric Aria Chercheur postdoctoral Décrit pour la première fois en 1912, Habelia optata est l’un des plus énigmatiques à avoir été découvert dans les schistes de Burgess, gisement fossilifère de la Colombie-Britannique d’une richesse exceptionnelle qui remonte au Cambrien moyen, soit

Five Questions for Hina P. Ansari

Hina P. Ansari’s relationship with Bollywood goes way back to the burgeoning of the industry. Her grandfather was a multi-faceted filmmaker known as one of the leading and first film noir directors of the Mumbai-based industry. She has made a name for herself in the fashion and entertainment

Blue Whale Update: From Trenton with Love

Blue Whale Update: From Trenton with Love

It’s that time of year where many of us are pretty focused on the holidays. Spending time with family and friends, baking and eating loads of treats, and- let’s be honest- the gifts. Finding them, buying them, wrapping them, and getting them to where they need to go, whether the destination is

Artists of the Floating World, Part I

Written by Josiah Ariyama Supervised by Dr. Asato Ikeda   A Third Gender: Beautiful Youths in Japanese Print s, exhibited at the ROM from May until November, 2016 offers but a glimpse into the lives of Wakashu, or “young companions” living in Edo period Japan (1603-1868). The exhibition not

Travels in India, part 1

Travels in India, part 1

Ahmedabad, India Traffic here is like a pinball machine, a crazy game of chicken, where you try not to hit anything, especially the cattle. After a day of relative inactivity, spent recovering from jetlag, I found myself bouncing around in the back of an autorickshaw, hurtling through a crazy quilt

Weapon Wednesday: the "djanbīyya" dagger

Weapon Wednesday: the "djanbīyya" dagger

The Middle Eastern two-edged curved dagger is one of the most recognizable weapon forms. Typically it is known by the Arab term djanb ī yya  sometimes Anglicised as "jambiya", or also often the Arabic term  khandjar, but these curved daggers are found across the Middle East. Curved

Three Questions with Cyrus Sundar Singh

Popular imagery of India is often full of bright colours that create vibrant landscapes. Taking a closer look it becomes clear that not only are India’s many forms of street art a huge source of these aesthetics, but also that they are changing. Canadian filmmaker Cyrus Sundar Singh, enchanted