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A New Dino Stamp Series

A New Dino Stamp Series

Named in 2013 by David C. Evans  (Royal Ontario Museum) and  Michael J. Ryan  (Cleveland Museum of Natural History), the  Acrotholus audeti (Ack-RHO-tho-LUS) is one of five dinosaurs featured in Canada Post's new "Dinos of Canada" stamp series. Acrotholus audeti, approximately



Friends of the Canadian Collections (FCC) / Amis des Collections Canadiennes (ACC) Presents RIVERDALE: EAST OF THE DON- How did it begin? Who were some of its celebrities? Date: Thursday, November 12, 2015 at  11am Place: Signy and Cléophée Eaton Theatre FREE with ROM admission Come and hear

Tout sur nos PokéStops!

Comme Pokémon GO se joue toujours partout dans le monde, Sarah Elliott, notre productrice de contenu éducatif, a pensé à vous donner plus de détails sur les PokéStops situés un peu partout au Musée. Certains joueurs ont pu constater que le GPS du jeu n’est pas aussi précis qu’ils

Tokummia, une nouvelle espèce fossilière des schistes de Burgess retrace l'origine des diplopodes, des crabes et des insectes

Tokummia, une nouvelle espèce fossilière des schistes de Burgess retrace l'origine des diplopodes, des crabes et des insectes

Blogue de Cédric Aria, récent titulaire d’un doctorat décerné par le département d’écologie et de biologie évolutive de l’Université de Toronto. Après avoir travaillé au ROM, il poursuit maintenant une recherche postdoctorale à l’Institut de géologie et de paléontologie de

Ushering in the year of the dragon in the Life in Crisis: Schad Gallery of Biodiversity

A sneak peak at our new komodo dragon before the work begins With the start of the Chinese New Year, all thoughts are on dragons – the presiding animal zodiac for this lunar year. Unlike many European mythologies where dragons are menacing villains, the dragon zodiac represents wealth, prosperity

Museum Monday with Melissa- November 2

Museum Monday with Melissa- November 2

It was great to see so many new and familiar faces celebrating the Day of the Dead at #FNLROM this past Friday.  There is so much to see and do this week!  If you haven’t already you’ll definitely want to warm up in the #ROMpeii exhibit- keep note that it is only going to be open until

Dinosaur Weekend is finally here!

I feel like my whole life has been leading up to THIS moment. Reenacting the Tyrannosaurus Rex/Jeep chase scene from Jurassic Park (also having WAYYY too much fun). And showing off some very awesome South American theropod teeth to show off and touch PLUS MORE! My mom says my first love in life was

I think I have bedbugs, what should I do?

In the months ahead, we will look at some of the critters that share our spaces. We hope you will discover how to identify some of the insects and other arthropods that share your home and better understand these amazing creatures. The first bug we will examine are bed bugs (Cimex lectularius). Due

When Objects Guide Our Pedagogy: An Introduction to Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is sometimes used as a synonym for educational practices that include active participation by the learner.  Museum educators consider this an effective way to teach; it is also a tool that that animates and interprets objects within the museum’s collection. Experiential

Blue Whale Update: Where is it Now?

Blue Whale Update: Where is it Now?

Guest Blog Posting by Environmental Visual Communication (EVC) student, Nila Sivatheesan The infamous blue whales made headlines in May 2014 as it washed up on the shores of Rocky Harbour and Trout River, Newfoundland and Labrador. Pictures of the whales went viral across social media, as locals