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Viewing 121 - 130 of 146 results

The Dr. Fred Weinberg and Joy Cherry Weinberg Judaica Collection

The Dr. Fred Weinberg and Joy Cherry Weinberg Judaica Collection

Collecting is a passion that connects people to the world around them. Though the term often conjures notions of blue-chip art purchases at auction houses, for collectors Joy Cherry and the late Dr. Fred Weinberg, it represents a meaningful journey of acquiring objects that celebrate more

Inspiring Brighter Futures

Inspiring Brighter Futures

Thanking our School Visits Bursary partners Each day at the Museum, inspiration takes hold in many incredible ways. For our visiting school groups, it can be a young student examining real specimens from our solar system in their hands, or being introduced to computer coding through innovative

A Gift to Future Generations

A Gift to Future Generations

During his decades as an elementary school teacher, Thomas Charles Messecar Logan was devoted to inspiring brighter futures for young people. And though he passed away in March 2022, his impact will continue thanks to his generous estate gift to ROM. “Thomas believed in the power of the arts to

Celebrating Michael Lee-Chin’s Philanthropy

Celebrating Michael Lee-Chin’s Philanthropy

Michael Lee-Chin’s extraordinary gift of $30 million in support of the ROM in 2003 was one of the largest philanthropic gifts to a cultural institution in Canadian history. As the lead donor to the Renaissance ROM Campaign, his vision and commitment launched the transformation of the Museum and

A Family Affair With a Land Before Time

A Family Affair With a Land Before Time

Dr. Maureen Trudeau and her family first discovered the Burgess Shale while wandering the Royal Tyrell Museum in Drumheller, Alberta. She and her “dinosaur-obsessed son” came across an exhibit with large replicas of bizarre early life creatures that had been unearthed in Yoho National Park,

Manulife Helps Canadians Step Into the World of China's Emperors

Manulife Helps Canadians Step Into the World of China's Emperors

Stories of the imperial palace, home to China’s last emperors, have captivated people for generations. The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China’s Emperors ushers visitors into the emperor’s most private quarters and offers a tantalizing glimpse into the lives of the rulers, subjects, and

Soutenir des expositions de grande portée

Soutenir des expositions de grande portée

Le nouveau Cercle royal des expositions soutient les expositions temporaires « Quoi de neuf au ROM? » Posez cette question à vos amis et ils ne manqueront pas de vous parler de notre nouvelle exposition temporaire. Pour bon nombre d’entre nous, la visite d’une exposition donne un élan qui

YPC Member Spotlight: Jeffrey Sax

YPC Member Spotlight: Jeffrey Sax

I’m just starting my 10th year as a member of ROM YPC and what keeps me renewing are the other members. Toronto is often (in my experience) referred to as a cold city where it's difficult to make new friends, and while it might have taken the better part of my first year to get past my

Montrer au monde la collection Kirwin

Montrer au monde la collection Kirwin

Le ROM tient à remercier BMO Groupe financier pour son don extraordinaire d’un million de dollars à l’initiative de la collection Kirwin. Cet apport généreux à ROM Terre et espace aidera le Musée à cataloguer, numériser et entreposer cette collection remarquable et à la partager avec

Les objets d’un collectionneur

Les objets d’un collectionneur

Originaires du Pakistan, Ali Adil Khan et son épouse Shehla se sont installés au Canada il y a une trentaine d’années. Grâce à l’art canadien, le couple tisse des liens avec sa patrie d’adoption. M. Khan consacre un modeste budget à l’achat de paysages canadiens. Au fil des ans, ses