
Viewing 161 - 170 of 306 results

RRSP/RRIF/Pension Plans

Many people pay more income tax in their year of death than they do in any year during their lifetime. This may be due to additional income created by a deemed disposition of certain assets on death, as well as inclusion into income of registered retirement savings plans (RRSPs) or registered

Jeff Willner

Meet Jeff Willner Our new Chair of ROM Board of Governors Royal Exhibitions Circle Member, and CEO of Travel Edge Where did you grow up? My parents were missionaries and I grew up in Africa, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Zaire). Our house was in Kalemie, on the shore of Lake Tanganyika.

Faites un legs

Les legs sont importants pour le ROM: ils constituent la manière la plus simple et la plus courante de faire un don au Musée. Le legs est un engagement pour l’avenir qui n’affecte pas vos finances puisque, de votre vivant, vous avez accès aussi bien au capital qu’à son usufruit. Pour

Notre histoire

À l’aube du XX e siècle, plusieurs Torontois souhaitent doter la ville d’un musée d’envergure internationale. Ils usent de leur influence pour convaincre le gouvernement de l’Ontario et l’Université de Toronto de subventionner le futur musée. Le Musée royal de l’Ontario est créé

Election 2024: Membership-Elected Trustee Candidates

Dr. Doug Gibson Doug Gibson is a retired family physician and a long-term donor to ROM and has been an enthusiastic volunteer with the Department of Museum Volunteers for the last thirteen years. As a physician who cared for 4,000 patients over forty years, he was keen on innovation, information


Canada’s Leading Museum, Reimagined. Introducing OpenROM: a landmark initiative that will dramatically open the Museum even more to the public, creating greater access, and a thriving cultural and civic hub in the heart of the city. OpenROM includes a sweeping architectural transformation of the

Michael Lee-Chin

On April 2, 2003, the ROM announced a gift of $30 million towards the Renaissance ROM project, from Michael Lee-Chin—a man little known outside of business circles. This astonishing gift inaugurated the public fundraising campaign for Renaissance ROM. Lee-Chin was born in Port Antonio, Jamaica in

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum

Joey and Toby Tanenbaum have contributed greatly to Toronto, from hospital facilities to performing-arts organizations to the Royal Ontario Museum. Joey Tanenbaum’s grandfather, Abraham, arrived in Toronto in 1911. He started as a peddler of scrap metal with only $8.00 to his name. Nevertheless

Joey et Toby Tanenbaum

Joey et Toby Tanenbaum se sont montrés très généreux envers Toronto, accordant leur soutien aux hôpitaux, aux arts du spectacle et au Musée royal de l’Ontario. Abraham Tanenbaum, le grand-père de Joey, s’installe à Toronto en 1911. Il débute comme marchand de ferraille avec seulement 8

Le réseau d'accès communautaire (ROMCAN)

ROMCAN, le réseau d’accès communautaire du ROM fondé en 2008, représente l’engagement du ROM d’éliminer les obstacles financiers, sociaux et culturels pouvant limiter l’accès au Musée à diverses communautés. Le réseau ROMCAN s’appuie sur trois piliers d’inclusion sociale :