
Viewing 91 - 100 of 1712 results

Celebrating the ROM's Centennial in Style

Celebrating the ROM's Centennial in Style

  Currelly Society members gathered for a traditional afternoon tea in celebration of the ROM’s Centennial on April 3, 2014. More than 100 guests—many wearing vintage hats and gorgeous gloves—enjoyed fine teas, gourmet sweets and savoury bites. Against the backdrop of a beautiful palm court,

ROM Entomologist Leaves An Intellectual Legacy

ROM Entomologist Leaves An Intellectual Legacy

Glenn and Carol Wiggins’ estate furthers research in perpetuity From a young age, Glenn Wiggins (1927–2013) was fascinated by “the little things that run the world.”* His love of insects led to a distinguished career as ROM curator of entomology and decades of global fieldwork on

Engaging our Audiences: Announcing a new addition to the ROM Executive Team

On September 17, Janet Carding, Director & CEO of the Royal Ontario Museum, announced some important news. Following an extensive international search, the Museum has hired its first-ever Deputy Director, Engagement: Dr. Xerxes Mazda will be joining the ROM early in November. As part of our

ROM Ideas: Fossils & Evolution

ROM Ideas: Fossils & Evolution

To let you in on the latest insights and discoveries from behind the scenes, ROM Ideas, formerly the ROM Colloquium, invites its patrons to step into the realm of ROM researchers, technicians, and other experts who perform ground-breaking work in our labs, collections areas, and at field sites all

Les Conférences du ROM

Les Conférences du ROM

Les fascinantes conférences du ROM présentent des conférenciers et des conférencières dont les idées vous feront réfléchir sur des sujets d'actualité.  Explorez des enjeux actuels au ROM et pensez le monde par la discussion sur  #ROMSpeaks. Vous pouvez réentendre certaines de ces

ROM Ideas: Contemporary Culture

ROM Ideas: Contemporary Culture

To let you in on the latest insights and discoveries from behind the scenes, ROM Ideas, formerly the ROM Colloquium invites its patrons to step into the realm of ROM researchers, technicians, and other experts who perform ground-breaking work in our labs, collections areas, and at field sites all

A Lifelong Passion for ROM

A Lifelong Passion for ROM

Doug Gibson has loved the ROM since childhood. Some of his earliest memories are of going to the Museum with his mother in the early 1950s, which sparked a lifelong fascination with natural history. “Back then, they had a crystal cave in the geology gallery,” he recalls. “When you looked into

Celebrating ROM Supporters

Celebrating ROM Supporters

The ROM warmly welcomed close to 400 guests for its Chairs’ Reception on May 9, 2018. This annual event celebrates the ROM family of supporters and volunteers whose generosity enables world-class exhibitions, curatorial research and public programs for the community. Attendees enjoyed a private

Dan Mishra fait un don historique de 5 millions de dollars au ROM

Dan Mishra fait un don historique de 5 millions de dollars au ROM

Le don de 5 millions de dollars de Dan Mishra est sans précédent dans l’histoire de la galerie de l’Asie du Sud du Musée. Versée en 2017, année du 150 e anniversaire du Canada, cette somme est un éloquent témoignage de la reconnaissance du philanthrope à l’endroit de sa patrie

Vers une plus grande inclusion et plus d’équité au ROM

J’net Ayayqwayaksheelth, coordonnatrice des relations avec les communautés autochtones et de l’apprentissage autochtone au ROM, explore les visions du monde des cultures autochtones d’aujourd’hui avec un groupe d’élèves du secondaire. Lire la déclaration du ROM suite à la découverte