
Viewing 1011 - 1020 of 1652 results

Our first Google+ Hangout on Air

Our first Google+ Hangout on Air

Yesterday, we hosted our first Google+ Hangout on Air at Crestwood School here in Toronto. We tagged along with Burton Lim, Assistant Curator of Mammalogy, and Dave Ireland Managing Director of ROM Biodiversity, as they visited the school to talk about bats and to supervise a school program

Kalighat Paintings: Murder in the Collection

Kalighat Paintings: Murder in the Collection

Written by Piali Roy. A notorious murder case is one of the subjects of the ROM’s collection of mid-nineteenth century Kalighat paintings, an urban folk art style that developed around a popular Kali temple in Kolkata, India. The Kalighat paintings were the sort of souvenir one could buy after a

Canada’s Oceans and YOU: The Event (Part II)

Five months of planning, three partners, one event. Expectations were high for the WWF-Canada and ROM exhibit, presented by Loblaw Companies Limited, at the 2012 Green Living Show at the Direct Energy Centre, Toronto, April 13-15. “Canada’s Oceans and You” did not disappoint. The Green Living

Getting Lost with Galloway

Getting Lost with Galloway

We sat down with CBC’s Matt Galloway to find out exactly what keeps bringing him back to the ROM Q: Do you visit the museum often? A: Yes, I have a couple of young kids. We come on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes if there’s a special event, but also sometimes we come just to wander around.

Getting Lost with Galloway

Getting Lost with Galloway

We sat down with CBC's Matt Galloway to find out exactly what keeps bringing him back to the ROM By: Douglas Thomson Q: Do you visit the museum often?  A: Yes, I have a couple of young kids. We come on a fairly regular basis. Sometimes if there’s a special event, but also sometimes we come

Conversations with Theo

Conversations with Theo

Guest post by ROM Member, Anne Thériault     When I was growing up trips to the ROM definitely topped my list of Amazing Fun Stuff I Sometimes Get To Do. When I had a kid of my own, I knew the ROM was something I wanted to share with him- plus I needed somewhere to take him on the days when it

Department of Art & Culture OfAfrica Internship for Undergraduate and Graduate Students- Fall & Winter 2019-2020

  About the Department of Art & Culture The Department of Art & Culture is one of two curatorial departments under the Collections and Research Division. It includes collection areas such as Africa, Archaeology of the Americas, Ancient Egypt & Sudan, Ancient Greek & Roman,

Applify Your Museum Visit

Applify Your Museum Visit

Mobile applications have changed the way we live–they have replaced our alarm clocks, notepads, calculators, and cameras. We can have all these things in the palms of our hands via smart phones and smart gadgets. Smart phones have moved away from being just a powerful phone and web-surfing

Location & Parking

Address ROM 100 Queen’s Park, Toronto, ON, M5S 2C6 Entrances Weston Entrance: Queen’s Park Avenue Enter the Weston Entrance into The Rotunda. Taxis and other vehicles may drop off and pick up visitors in the loading zone on Queen’s Park.  Parking is not permitted in the loading areas. 

Des Martiens parmi nous

Des Martiens parmi nous

Avec le ROM qui annonce l’acquisition de trois nouvelles météorites martiennes pour sa collection de réputation internationale, la NASA qui découvre la présence d'eau salée qui coule à la surface de Mars sans oublier le succès du film hollywoodien « Seul sur Mars », il convient